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Eastern Christians Celebrate Amid Threats of Violence « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Eastern Christians Celebrate Amid Threats of Violence

April 15, 2012


DANIEL S. writes:

Unlike Roman Catholics, who celebrated Easter last Sunday, the Eastern and Coptic Orthodox Christians of the Arab world celebrated Easter today. It is a powerful sight to see these scattered and increasingly persecuted Christians cling so strongly to their faith and tradition, unlike so many of their lukewarm, decedent counterparts in the West. The Syrian Christians are cruelly threatened by al-Qaeda jihadists and other brigands (the so-called Syrian rebels) in their nation’s civil war, and yet they still made their way to their churches with little regard to the threats of violence and intimidation. Several hundred Coptic Christians, themselves constant targets of violence and murder from Mohammedan fanatics, recently made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for Easter, something their late pope had for years banned them from doing for political reasons. The courage and the faith of these Christians is truly inspiring and model to all the feckless Christians in the West who so quickly surrender to liberal totalitarianism and compromise even the most basic of their doctrines and practices to earn the favor of the zeitgeist.

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