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Marine Le Pen on the Future of France « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Marine Le Pen on the Future of France

April 18, 2012


AT GalliaWatch, Tiberge translates portions of a recent interview with French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who answers question on the rise of Islam in France and the preservation of French sovereignty and culture. The interview is posted here and here. Tiberge writes:

Marine is indeed a voice in the wilderness, but one that can no longer be denied. Even those who question her here are visibly impressed. She is definitely here to stay. As I said in a comment recently, Marine has won the election, no matter who wins.

                                                    — Comments —

Carolyn writes:

Wow! I don’t speak French, but even reading her excerpted and in translation gives me goose bumps. I thought Europe was further down the road than we (in the U.S.) are–but they still have a major presidential candidate like her . . . and look at us.

Laura writes:

Perhaps they have a candidate like Le Pen because they are further down the road.

 Mary writes:

Can France’s loss of culture and language logically be separated from it’s loss of Catholicism? That’s what comes to my mind whenever I read the sad stories of France’s population problems and the rise of Islam there. A thriving, growing population in France would soon crowd out Islam. If France would start promoting true Catholicism, the heart of their culture, they could start bouncing back in one generation.

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