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Marine Commandant “Bullish” on Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Marine Commandant “Bullish” on Women

April 25, 2012


IN AN interview about the introduction of women into combat positions in the Marines, Gen. James F. Amos told The New Tork Times this week that he plans to ask all Marines to fill out an anonymous online survey about the roles of women in the Corps. “I’m not one bit afraid of the results of this,” he said. “I’m very bullish on women.” Ahh, okay. But the survey isn’t about what he thinks, it’s about what other people think. I wonder how many men would be inclined to honesty, even in an anonymous format, when their commander has clearly expressed his views.

I would like to ask the commandant a question. Does he wish his mother had been trained in machine gun assault tactics? Does he think the world will be a better place if little girls see armed women in fatigues?

Here’s one more. Would he like to be married to a soldier? Or would he just as soon other men deal with that.


— Comments —-

Pan Dora writes:

So let’s see, the Marines can storm the beaches of Iwo Jima, do battle at the Chosin Reservoir and endure the seige at Khe Sahn, but anonymous surveys are the undoing of the Few, the Proud? If this is true, than the Marine Corps has far bigger problems than women in the ranks (which they’ve been in since 1918.) [Laura writes: They followed the commands of their superiors in the battles you mention. In expressing disapproval of women in combat, they would be going against the sentiments of their highest commander. Women have been a relatively small presence in the Marines and, if you read the article linked, these latest changes represent a serious expansion of their role. Nevertheless, I would advocate scaling back even further.] 

A woman whose child said to her that she shouldn’t have done machine gun assault training is indeed cause for concern ….. namely that he/she is behaving like a brat. [You seem to have missed my point. Training in combat does not prepare a woman for being a mother or a wife.] Some man is whining about marriage to a soldier? Who’s putting a gun to his head and making him do it? I’d just inform him there is a simple solution for this problem ….. don’t marry one. [There’s an even simpler solution. Keep women out of the Marines.]


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