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Melinda Gates: Anti-Mother Imperialist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Melinda Gates: Anti-Mother Imperialist

April 7, 2012

IN A SPEECH in Berlin on Good Friday, Melinda Gates, a self-proclaimed Catholic, explained why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is spending some of its vast wealth to push artificial contraception around the world, according to The Seattle Times.

“Some people worry that the real goal is to control populations,” she stated. But … “every year 100,000 women who didn’t wish to conceive die during childbirth.”

She stated, “600,000 women who did not want to become pregnant [give] birth to infants who die in the first month of life.”

Life is only meaningful if your mother wanted you or was in a good mood when she was pregnant.

Men and women “should be able to decide” when to have a child.

But men and women have always been able to decide when to not have a child. What she really means is global engineers such as the Gates Foundation should be able to influence heavily the decision.

Gates claims she is Catholic and yet — on Good Friday — said she has the right as a Catholic to defy Church doctrine. So weak and timid are those who claim to be Church authorities that someone like Gates can go on making statements like this and still be a member of the Church in good standing. This permissiveness is an affront to Catholics everywhere and an aggressive assault on the Church. Gates also misrepresented the Church’s position. The Church is not against continence and abstinence, which are birth control. It is against promiscuity and artificial contraception, which itself brings promiscuity, disease, fatherlessness and economic decline in its wake. Hello, Melinda. It’s not just about sex.

For Gates, the entire world is a canvas on which to paint her intoxicating utopian visions.

In the real world, the humble and poor will never use artificial birth control the way social engineers want. Call them too stupid or call them too smart, but the poor or lower classes will always have “unplanned births.” What the spread of birth control brings them is an overall devaluing of marriage and family. The sense of identity that comes from traditional sex roles decays. A poor man may have little in material goods but he still can have his identity and pride as man. Global social engineers are opposed to woman as woman, man as man, to chastity, modesty and self-restraint as essential virtues. These are the very building stones of civilization.

Experience has shown that artificial contraception, when encouraged and pushed by social leaders, ultimately decimates the family and brings about a world of debt slaves.

Gates could use her tremendous wealth to help people support their families (why, she could even do that in America, of all places). She could give cash grants to married women with four or more children. She could give grants to men who are supporting their families on little. What a difference she could make. What a message of affirmation and hope she could send to the world.

Instead, as a woman seeking to prevent other women from having children, as a philanthropist ostensibly driven by a presumptuous belief that poverty can be obliterated, she promotes a bleak creed of negation.


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