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More on Ann Romney « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More on Ann Romney

April 25, 2012


PAUL writes:

How could anything Ann Romney said in her speech Monday in any way be thought of as a retort to the feminist idea that women do not belong at home raising their children? It is not a retort but a full acceptance of feminism. Mitt Romney is going to get more and more liberal and lose.

His wife is not using a feminist goal against feminists. The feminist goal is not equality, as some assume. The feminist goal is the destruction of the nuclear family, the destruction of the transcendent. God set out the formula, and the feminists hate it whatever their particular reasoning.

A debate is not taking place when both sides agree. Santorum stumbled into a toe-in-the-water debate, until he backed off. So there is no chance the liberal Romney is in any way taking on liberalism.

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