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Note from a Reader in France « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Note from a Reader in France

April 24, 2012


GUILAIN writes:

I am writing from France which is my homeland so my English might be not very good. Reading your blog for nearly two months (with a dictionary) has helped me to improve it though.

I’m a young man who is 23 years old. I’ve been reading various blogs from the French blogosphere for two or three years now. I’ve first read a blog from the Anglosphere in early 2012. Since then I’ve spent quite much time exploring it.

On the one hand, I’ve found things very similar to what can be found in the writings of French bloggers. That means we face the same kind of problems on the overall. But I guess you allready knew that (I’ve seen that you mentioned french journalist Eric Zemmour in one of your articles).

On the other hand, I think there are differences in our respective blogospheres that probably reflects differences between American and French societies. I’ve been glad to see that there are quite a few traditionalist American women keeping blogs. You might think there’s not a lot or not enough, but in comparison, in France I’ve seen none.

I have a friend my age (a girl) who is Christian (evangelic to be precise).Her faith seems strong, but at the same time she advocates feminist ideas. For instance, she said me that men have oppressed women for ever. She also told me that she doesn’t want to have children. And recently she cut her hair short. I’ve discussed a lot with her but my arguments have not convinced her. I was glad to find traditionalist women’s blogs because I’ve thought that might help her more then I can. I’ve given her the address of your blog yesterday I hope she will find it as interesting as I do.

Actually the main purpose of my message was to thank you for your efforts to keep your blog. It is both very interesting and very encouraging. From my twentieth birthday onward I’ve learnt countless major things through reading on the Internet. I was not taught those things in school or in my family. In this regard,the Internet is a blessing that has brought me closer to the truth on many subjects and helps me in my life as a Catholic. In spite of that,this is the first time I express my gratitude to a blogger. I mention that to remind you that there might be lots of people that read your blog and find it really good and helpful but stay silent.

Again, thank you very much.

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