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Obama Has Fulfilled His Racial Vision « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Obama Has Fulfilled His Racial Vision

April 13, 2012


IN AN excellent piece at American Thinker, Lauri B. Regan writes:

The Obama administration’s empowerment of black rebellion began at the very start of his presidency, has grown exponentially since then, and can be seen in all sorts of machinations across the country. The visceral reaction in the black community to the Martin case and the silence from the Justice Department in the face of bounties being placed on George Zimmerman’s head, calls for violence by the New Black Panthers (who learned in 2009 that they are immune from prosecution when Holder dropped all charges against them), and mobs taking to the streets are all indicative of what this country will continue to face without the rule of law being enforced — and encouraged — by the government.

In the face of the NBP’s threats of violence to Zimmerman, Zimmerman’s family called on Holder to explain why these militants are getting away with rhetoric that likely constitutes a hate crime. Holder’s response was the praising of Sharpton. The NBP’s response to Holder’s inaction has been to prepare for the next stages of the “race war,” including plans to be “suited, booted and armed” and to announce that a “new reality” and “true revolution means some blood shed … you’ll have to cross the red sea … cross some blood[,]” all in order “to lead to the destruction of the devil’s society … that blond-haired, blue-eyed, sometime brown-eyed Caucasian walking around[.]”

Holder’s Justice Department was also MIA when the Sanford Police Department was forced to close due to protests calling for Zimmerman’s arrest. “City officials and members of the U.S. Department of Justice observed the demonstration” and apparently did nothing to the students blocking the police department entrance for fear of a violent response. But this is not an isolated incident of police fearing black reprisals. AT reported on an unbelievably offensive incident in which the police told a white stabbing victim that they “don’t mess” with a black motorcycle gang. Read the full story with all of the offensive details here.

It is not a far leap to question whether a president who has opted to throw himself into the ring when a black friend is arrested or a black teenager is killed, but who refuses to call for calm when black people beat, threaten, and intimidate innocent white people, may actually be condoning the violence through his silence and inaction.

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