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Obama’s Hilary Rosen Problem « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Obama’s Hilary Rosen Problem

April 23, 2012


WRITING at Town Hall, Star Parker says that Hilary Rosen presents a serious image problem for Obama, not because of what she said about Ann Romney but because of who she is: a lesbian, radical left activist. Parker contends this kind of prominence for a lesbian is too much for mainstream America. It would be great if that were so, but this strikes me as wishful thinking. After all, a former GOP vice president, Dick Cheney, had a daughter who lived publicly as a lesbian and it did not seem to hurt him politically.

Parker writes:

Rosen, who works closely with the White House, is a high dollar lesbian “inside-the-beltway” Washington power broker. She and her now estranged partner, the former director the Human Rights Campaign – an organization championing rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders – adopted two black children in 1999.

Her current lesbian partner is president of the American Federation of Teachers – the nation’s second largest teachers’ union.

At a time when it is critical for Obama to gain support and confidence of the same middle of the road white working class Americans who swung over to him in 2008, the last thing he needs is to have Hilary Rosen become a poster child for his party.

She has earned millions in the very influence peddling and power brokering business that Obama campaigned that he would purge from Washington. Her lifestyle embodies and boldly conveys the view that traditional American values and the traditional American family should no longer be considered “the way” but one of many possible legitimate lifestyle choices.

Sheila C. writes:

Hillary Rosen’s new “partner” is Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers. This national organization, although significantly smaller than the NEA, represents thousands of teachers and used to be considered the more “moderate” of the two national teachers’ unions. I had a secretarial job there in the travel department the summer before I left the country for graduate school, and the entire senior staff of that organization is made up of New York Jews. (I worked for Sally Muravchik, quite an interesting woman, whose husband is/was a writer/researcher at the American Enterprise Institute, Josh Muravchik). In any event, I wonder how many parents who insist that “their” public schools are just fine realize that the union many of their children’s teachers belong to is run by a radical, leftist, lesbian, New York Jew.

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