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Student Caught in Controversy for Painting Married Couple « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Student Caught in Controversy for Painting Married Couple

April 11, 2012

A STUDENT at Pilgrim High School in Rhode Island painted a mural depicting a boy in the various phases of life, growing up and then becoming a married father. That part of the mural in which the boy appeared as a man with his wife and child, however, was deemed unacceptable by the school. It was painted over. In the words of the superintendent’s press release, “some of the members of the Pilgrim High School community suggested that the depiction of a young man’s development from boyhood through adulthood as displayed may not represent the life experiences of many of the students at Pilgrim High School.” 

However, the superintendent Peter Horoschack now says he supports the student, Liz Bierendy, and wants her to repaint it as envisioned. This appears to be one small victory against homototalitarianism. In this news report posted at Heteroseparatist.com, the waifish Bierendy explains why she thought marriage was a normal stage of life even though her own parents aren’t married. She says she realizes some people believe marriage has “Christian undertones,” but actually it is common in most societies.

At Heteroseparatist, Mantronikk writes:

I couldn’t believe the homofascist bent/flavor of this story at first, but then my disbelief turned to joy because, once again, the adverse influence of the homosexual lifestyle in our nation’s schools can be clearly and easily shown. Anyone offended by a mural depicting a man graduating from college, getting married, and then having a son, is clearly a twisted individual.

                                                       — Comments —

Jesse Powell writes:

In Warwick city, Rhode Island, the location of this story, the Married Parents Ratio among whites is 75 percent; only a little below the national average of 78 percent. Furthermore 84 percent of the children in Warwick are white; far above the national average and particularly high for a city. (Data from the 2010 Census) The kind of insanity where marriage itself is deemed “too controversial” to be depicted in a mural in a public high school is being foisted upon white middle class children. I suspect a similar mural being painted by a black student in a mostly black school showing a married couple would not be condemned or painted over even though the family situation being portrayed “may not represent the life experiences of many of the students” to a much greater extent than is the case at Pilgrim High School in Rhode Island. Indeed the black student portraying the married couple might instead be praised for “aiming high” in spite of the bleakness of his circumstances.

White children apparently need to be shunned if they openly express themselves as viewing marriage as a given or ordinary part of life. After all expecting marriage as a norm is “insensitive” to those children not blessed with married parents. Perhaps having married parents is an “unearned white privilege” that shouldn’t be flaunted or bragged about or “imposed” upon others with different lifestyle preferences.

I think the reason for the effort to censor the depiction of the married couple is that marriage is recognized as being superior and desirable but at the same time not universally attainable and praised by everyone. This leads to marriage being “offensive” to those not on the marriage path whose feelings and sense of equality need to be protected in the face of clearly inferior circumstances.

The perverse outcome of this social response is the promotion of non-marriage and the shunning of marriage. “Equality” is to be achieved not by promoting marriage among the unfortunate but by discouraging marriage among the fortunate. If marriage is destroyed for everyone then everyone is equal once again.

 Laura writes:

The complaints, I suspect, came from homosexual activists, not from those who believe marriage is a form of white privilege.

The fact that this was an adolescent who painted the picture — Bierendy is 17 years old — shows what these fascist bullies are up against. They will have to banish childhood dreams.

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