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A Messy Blog « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Messy Blog

May 2, 2012


SHEFALI writes:

I hope this mail finds you in good health. I have been devouring your writing uninterrupted but have run into a snag. Many of your older, fine posts don’t show up in the labels they should. Or even on search engines when the keywords are typed. Please see why that is. I find myself compulsively needing your wisdom and I am sure so do others. Also, can you please have a section for the links to sites you recommend ? I have lost sleep trying to find the URL of that art website you posted about. The one which is restoring and conserving traditional and Victorian art. Hope its not too much to ask for.

Laura writes:

Thank you for writing.

When I was a teenager, our house was once burglarized. The police came over to make a report and they did a tour of the house to see what was missing. When they stepped into my older sister’s room, one of the cops said to the other, “Hey, Joe, look! See what they did in here!”

In fact, the burglars have never been in my sister’s room. It always looked as if it had been ransacked.

In some ways, this blog is like that room. I apologize. I have no real excuse except that such organizing work entails time away from the daily entries. But I need to do some serious organization of the entries, many of which are not categorized at all and are listed in the “Uncategorized” category. I think about this often. It keeps me awake at night too. I will try to see to it as soon as possible.

As far as things not showing up on the search engine, I’m not sure. I will have to investigate.

You can find the excellent British Paintings website hereArt Renewal is here. I prefer to highlight the sites I read through the main entries rather than through a blog roll. Please feel free to write to me and ask if you are looking for something.

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