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Discussion of Homofascism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Discussion of Homofascism

May 6, 2012


NEW comments have been added to the entry on recent attacks by homofascists and their hate-filled supporters.

It’s important to emphasize one point. These attacks are not simply the work of a fanatical fringe. Not only do we see ordinary people driving and walking down the street participating in them, but we see the vast portion of America participating. This violence has been aided and encouraged by the mainstream, which constantly stokes the anger and resentment behind it. Those who believe that by embracing homosexuality, this resentment will diminish are remarkably deluded. In fact, the more society agrees that homosexuals have been victimized (legitimizing same-sex “marriage” is extravagant confirmation of victimhood), the more any disapproval of homosexuality will be viewed as an outrage.

All speech in favor of traditional morality would have to be forcibly suppressed for this seething, ever-flowing font of hostility and hatred to be quelled. Civil union measures and the same-sex “marriage” project are inherently totalitarian.

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