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Government: Hurray, More Girls on Steroids! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Government: Hurray, More Girls on Steroids!

May 4, 2012


A NEW CDC study shows that sexual activity among teenage girls continues to decline from its high in the mid-1990’s. It also shows an increase in the use of the Pill among teenagers. According to the Associated Press:

More teen girls now use the best kinds of birth control, a new government study says.

About 60 percent of teen girls who have sex use the most effective kinds of contraception, including the pill and patch.

That’s up from the mid-90s, when less than half were using the best kinds, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found.

The trend in better contraception is helping to drive down the teen birth rate, health officials said.

Synthetic sex steroids increase the risk of breast cancer, liver cancer and cervical cancer, especially when taken at an early age.

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