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How Women Unknowingly Emasculate Men « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

How Women Unknowingly Emasculate Men

May 25, 2012


HERE’S a previous thread at VFR on the subject, discussed here many times, of the near-nakedness of women’s fashions. Lawrence Auster wrote in 2008:

The way many women dress today, with half their breasts exposed, is an expression of total disrespect for men. Men are left with three possible responses. To grab the woman, which is illegal; to ogle the woman, which is socially unacceptable; or to affect not to notice the woman at all, which is emasculating. A culture that normalizes such female behavior—i.e. not only not noticing or objecting to it, but prohibiting any objection to it—is extremely sick.

In that same thread, the commenter James N. wrote:

I was born into the Lost World in which exposure in a sexual way of part of a woman’s body provoked a physical response. This was why women, except for whores, did not do that.

NOW, that same physical response, so natural and automatic (unless it’s wanted, in the sole judgement of the woman in question) is a crime. You can lose your job, your home, your money, almost everything.

To live in a world where something as natural as breathing is a crime is profoundly alienating—it unmans men, which is just exactly what it’s intended to do.

The “hip, cool” posture just covers up how much mojo the hipster has lost. He’s been castrated, and he’s not supposed to care.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux said, “To be always with a woman and not have intercourse with her is harder than to raise the dead.” Men in today’s society have their work cut out for them.

Also, see Samson’s important comment in this recent thread here:

Laura wrote:

Most women are clueless about this. They are not consciously aggressive. They honestly don’t realize how sensitive men are to visual cues.

This is a good point to realize if we want to stop (and we must stop it!) the cycle of blame and resentment between the sexes. There are many sociosexual realities that women don’t consciously perceive; to them it’s just like the air they breathe.

For instance, what’s it like to be an attractive young woman? Well, it is to live a life in which every man, everywhere, is nice to you. Hard as it is for men to believe, young women often genuinely don’t grasp that men are nice to them because they’re beautiful. Young women think that’s just the way the world is: filled with nice, obliging people. Then they get a little older; they wake one day to notice that their looks have faded and suddenly people aren’t so nice anymore – and she still doesn’t consciously understand why. “How come people are mean to me now when they used to be nice?” A fate that should give us some sympathy for women.

                                      — Comments —

Jane S. writes:

 Laura writes:

“[Y]oung women often genuinely don’t grasp that men are nice to them because they’re beautiful.”

I didn’t get it when I was young. I thought people were being nice to me because I was special and important. I didn’t realize they were being nice to me because I was young.

I was particularly baffled when older women were nasty and rude to me. (I don’t mean the times I was being obnoxious and deserved it. I mean the times when I hadn’t done anything.) I’d think, “Gad, lady, what is your problem? You act like I’m trying to steal your husband.” Now I can see better where they were coming from.

I once had this very stylish umbrella—a real conversation piece. One day at work, it started to rain and I loaned it to a coworker—an older woman in her 60s—because she had to go out on an errand. When she got back, I asked her jokingly if she got many comments about the umbrella. She said, “Oh, no. I’m not young and pretty. Nobody talks to me.” I was genuinely shocked. Here all this time, I thought people liked my umbrella.

Now I can see exactly what she meant.

I have to admit, I go out of my way to be nice to young women. I treat them like nieces. I spoil them when I can. I call them “sweetie” and “doll.” I listen sympathetically to their problems. I don’t envy them a bit. I had my day in the sun; now they’re having theirs. One day, it’ll all be over; they’ll find that out soon enough.

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