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More on Georgetown and “Catholic” Branding « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More on Georgetown and “Catholic” Branding

May 23, 2012


IN THE entry on William Peter Blatty’s suit against Georgetown University, which he claims is no longer a Catholic institution, Vincent C. writes:

The Society of Jesus, aka Jesuits, is in theory responsible for the administration of Georgetown University. When they chose as President of the University a non-Jesuit – and non cleric – for the first time in their history, they were sending a message to all: we’re no longer a Catholic school. In fact, because of such modern theological niceties such as allowing the presence of homosexual clubs on campus, as well as visits by very pro-abortion politicos, if you read the propaganda that the university disseminates it now refers to itself as, “a school in the Jesuit tradition.” Of course, I doubt if St. Ignatius Loyola would agree, but you can’t have everything.

And if I were able to speak directly to Signor Blatty, I’d say this: If you were to examine not only Georgetown, but just about every other Jesuit institution of higher learning in these United States, I suspect that your current headache would turn into a serious migraine.

                                         — Comments —-

Paul writes:

As beautiful as Vincent’s delight

Over an undefended cleric’s might,

Under a starry, starry, starry night,

Those that laugh are rolling the dice.

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