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Nuns Twirl Toward Evolutionary Bliss « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Nuns Twirl Toward Evolutionary Bliss

May 3, 2012

THE Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the largest organization of American nuns, was recently censured by the Vatican for its feminist, leftwing ideology. LCWR will be holding its annual national assembly this August. The theme is, “Mystery Unfolding: Leading in the Evolutionary Now.”

Judging from the event logo, above, the “evolutionary now” is a global, multiracial, panreligious era of One World Bliss. Notice the facelessness of the twirling nuns, so typical of Catholic symbolism since Vatican II. The faceless, depersonalized world – without loyalty to home or people – is key to the Catholic Progressivist’s belief in this-world salvation and his revolt against his historic faith.

— Comments —

Randy Browning writes:

Ironic how the Catholic Church could almost single-handedly be responsible for our return to moral values, or in the vein of this article they could be at the center of our demise. If they stand up like they have recently against the healthcare mandates that EVERYONE provide insurance and birth control, good; but if they turn their backs on the fight against homosexuality and the feminist movement (one in the same), bad.

I am a lifetime Baptist (by my choice at 19, as I was brought up Methodist), but if it meant that we could unite along the same moral guise I would join the Catholic Church (to shore up the numbers for the fight) if it were a guaranteed return to a society of morals and values. Where we differ on the role of Christ, the Holy Spirit, Mary, and the role of “the church” (the building and the gatherings of people), I could be a member in good standing for the sake of surviving the general attack perpetrated by the hate-filled left, and would not have to abandon my core beliefs or relationship with Christ.

Here in Utah “the church” has a whole different connotation, perverse as it is, but I actually believe the Mormons could get behind a unification movement if the results were in their favor. Unfortunately, and more recently, the leadership of the Mormon Church has more than shifted to a left leaning agenda, while I believe the general body is far more conservative.

Religious and moral values are under constant attack, and in spite of the fact that I don’t think God needs our help in this fight, I do believe we have to stand up for ourselves. The way to do that is to bring the different religions together on our core values, and be as fearful an opponent to government and social attacks as the NRA once was to the anti-gun movement. Since the NRA has long since been co-opted by moderate liberals and corrupted by a mindset of compromise, they have lost (in large measure) their ability to stand fast and not compromise away our 2nd Amendment Rights. Continuing this God and Gun’s analogy, we need to be more like the GOA; NO COMPRAMISE – EVER! We cannot compromise away our values, morals, or personal responsibilities when it comes to our beliefs, for when we do we get to watch history repeat itself. Our first compromise is to the middle, and only our side compromises. The next compromise is to the new middle, etc. etc.; The Hegelian Mambo.

Maybe not the most important act on our parts, but certainly a practice that will build a foundation upon which we can work from empowerment; NEVER APOLOGISE for having an opinion, speaking it, and even when you misspeak, or for the sake of clarification. The left lives and dies by attempting to tear their opponents down. Since the left does not ever have an intellectual position or real facts their first tact is an attempt to instill guilt, thus prompting an apology. This is always followed by a landslide or dog pile of attacks directed at the apology, which redirects the focus of the debate and always keeps their opponent off balance and on guard.

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