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The Life of Julia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Life of Julia

May 4, 2012


THE OBAMA administration’s womanly ideal is a female eunuch who has one child (just like women in China!!!) after years of student debt and lots of carcinogenic contraceptives provided free by Uncle Obama. She has no husband, but that’s okay. She starts her own business and volunteers in a community garden.

Dana Loesch at Breitbart.com has the full story.


—- Comments —-

James P. writes:

These top ten Julia tweets The Daily Caller are hilarious:

10.) Dana Loesch: “Does anyone else notice that Obama is president for all of #Julia‘s life?”
9.) PolitixGal: Under Obama, #Julia can’t drive because gas prices have doubled, she can’t find a job & instead waits by the mailbox 4 Obama cash 2 arrive.
8.) mkhammer: 2-4-6-8! Every woman a ward of the state! #julia
7.) CaseyGeorge: #Julia died at age 78. She voted Democrat until age 92
6.) Sean Agnew: lemme guess… #Julia wants free contraceptives.
5.) Prudence Paine: in the life of #Julia, she quickly becomes a debt slave to the Chinese. good luck with the one-child policy!
4.) Teri Christoph: Is it me or does #Julia have “high cheekbones”?
3.) MattCover: Age 23: #Julia graduates. There are no jobs. Thanks to Obama, Julia can live comfortably in her parents’ basement.
2.) David Burge: #Julia “at 37, Julia completes her Masters degree in Interactive Website Design. At 43, she gets a job pulling a solar powered rickshaw.”
1.) Derek Hunter: By age 40 #Julia has written 2 autobiographies even though she’s accomplished nothing. Wait, that was Obama. Julia is still unemployed.

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