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On The Hunger Games « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

On The Hunger Games

June 2, 2012

THE website Gulag Bound recently featured two interesting essays on The Hunger Games by Berit Kjos. She reviews both the book and the movie. Kjos writes:

I heard no laughter while watching The Hunger Games on opening day. Just sober silence. This teenage movie — set in a totalitarian world that supposedly replaced a broken America — shows the grim struggle for survival in a world without God, hope or meaning. The only “higher power” is a heartless government that supplies its own choice of artificial thrills and trials. And the people suffer.

The book behind the movie was published by the prominent Scholastic. It brought us the Harry Potter series and countless other books promoting witchcraft and the occult. By marketing its books through our education system, Scholastic may have done more to distort history, mythologize truth and promote moral and spiritual corruption among children than any other publisher.

If you have children in public schools, they probably read the Weekly Reader, which offers news and current events from a strictly non-Christian perspective. It’s publisher, the Weekly Reader Corporation, is owned by Scholastic. This 1990 message illustrates its earth-centered propaganda and twisted view of history:

“Give Thanks to the Earth: The first Thanksgiving feasts were harvest festivals. People gathered to celebrate successful harvests and to thank the Earth for its fruits. You can celebrate the earth every day by always taking care of the environment.”[2] Scholastic News [cont.]

                                               — Comments —

Paul writes:

Why were the readers so enthralled? They have little else to read and, therefore, have little else to use as a comparison. As a writer told me many years ago when I despaired over the boring, ridiculous, uninteresting female-warrior characters in so many of my stereotypical fantasy novels that helped me sleep, women buy 70-80 percent of books.

So I stopped reading them. Jonathan Kellerman is an example of my current reading. J.R.R. Tolkien, a Catholic, is the ideal for modern traditionalists, but I have read him almost too many times.

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