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The Female Warriors at the London Olympics « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Female Warriors at the London Olympics

June 7, 2012


Lucia Rijker, 2005

A READER, Susan-Anne White, wrote the following letter to a Northern Ireland newspaper yesterday:

The “sport” of women’s boxing  is listed as an event (for the first time ever) at this summer’s Olympic  games. However, this dubious milestone will not mark the first time that women   have entered a boxing ring, because, for some time now, thanks to Feminism, women have had an equal right to be punched black and blue, under the guise of  “sport”, just like men. Boxing is a dangerous sport for anyone, male or  female, and I would argue that it should be banned  entirely.

The sad case of a female boxer, Becky Zerlentes, serves as a poignant example (and a warning). She was 34, and she died on April 3rd, 2005, following head injuries sustained during a boxing match. Her   death was due to a blood clot on the brain, caused by blunt force trauma to the head. She was wearing her required protective headgear at the time.

What about other sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball? Are they safe for women? An article in the New York Times, entitled The Uneven Playing Field, May 11, 2008, makes disturbing reading. The article cites   studies showing that young women who play soccer, basketball and volleyball   suffer tears to the anterior cruciate ligament, up to 8 times as often as men,   in the same “jumping” sports, and hobbled knees are not the only  injuries.

Who or what has turned us into a society that encourages women to place themselves in harm’s way, and legislates for that very possibility, through dangerous equality laws? In case any reader has failed to  notice, there is an elephant in the room. I am referring, of course, to the   feminist movement. It is the guilty party, and it is [feminists] who are waging war on women.

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