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A Prayer for Our Country « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Prayer for Our Country

July 13, 2012


IN 2004, Lawrence Auster wrote the following prayer four days before Massachusetts officially recognized same-sex “marriage,” which resulted in lesbianism becoming more open and common in towns such as Northampton, a place where educated and intelligent adults now routinely conspire to deprive children of their fathers. The prayer is still apt today.

O God of peace, lover and guardian of charity:

We are your people, you formed us and brought us forth as a nation. We have always been the recipients of your divine help and providential guidance, even when our thoughts and deeds were far from you.

In four days, one of the states of this Union is scheduled to embark on an inconceivable abomination—to perform legal “marriages” between persons of the same sex. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Man’s sinful rebellion against you, in all its infinite variety, is always happening, but what is about to happen in Massachusetts makes that rebellion official in its most acute form, it places the imprimatur of the state upon perversion.

This was the sin that destroyed Sodom. Sodom was not destroyed because of the sin of a few individuals, or the sin of many individuals. It was destroyed because the people of Sodom, as an organized community, embraced that sin. And what we are doing is even worse, because we are equating and joining that sin with the sacrament of marriage, the basis of all human society. This is the desolating sacrilege spoken of by Jesus.

Father, we pray that you save our country from this wickedness and the utter ruin that must come from it; that you direct the minds and hearts of our leaders, and especially the leaders and the people of Massachusetts, to recognize the abyss into which they are about to hurl themselves and our whole society, and to draw back from the brink.

But if it is not your purpose to spare our country from this disgrace, if it is your purpose to allow the people of this country to continue exploring their imagined freedom from you, even to its utter limits, then we ask you, Father, to protect us from the effects of this rebellion. Help us know that you are always with us, so that we may abide in you, and you in us, and that we may ever walk in your ways, despite the evil and lies that reign in the city of man.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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