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Elton John Wants to Buy (and Emotionally Molest) Another Child « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Elton John Wants to Buy (and Emotionally Molest) Another Child

July 16, 2012


JAMES P. writes:

The Telegraph reports that Elton John “wants to have more children” — no doubt once again via a surrogate mother, although this is phrased as “he wants to have more children” as if he were doing so by the normal, natural method. Happily, Elton and his “partner” have made “a scrapbook for their son about how he was created” to help the boy overcome the absurd stigma associated with being artificially created, carried in the womb of a jackal prostitute surrogate mother, and raised by two aging, homosexual former drug addicts. No doubt the second child will also benefit from the wisdom of this scrapbook!

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