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The Single Woman Voter « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Single Woman Voter

July 11, 2012



Bloomberg reports that single women favor Obama by a ratio of almost two-to-one:

“Married voters are more likely to focus on the economy and health care, while single voters are more focused on issues such as gay rights and reproductive issues,” said [Peter Brown, assistant director of the Hamden, Connecticut-based Quinnipiac University Polling Institute] in an e-mailed statement accompanying the poll, conducted July 1-8.

Single women, including the ever-growing ranks of those who have ditched their husbands, seem ever eager to latch onto and demand state handouts and special favors. They regularly succumb to cynical, emotional rhetoric from the regime on the Potomac, especially our dear leader and his compatriots, and other constituencies which curry their votes and favor with healthy doses of utopian pablum.

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