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Does the Future Rest on This? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Does the Future Rest on This?

August 1, 2012


DOMINIC writes:

I just returned from the Chick-fil-A in Hilliard, Ohio, and it was packed. The drive-thru line wrapped around the building twice, and the inside line went out the door. I parked in a nearby Target lot, walked to the Chick-fil-A, and then I stood in line for a good 15 to 20 minutes before I finally got inside (a few were taking pictures so I’m sure they’ll be lots of Facebook and blog page updates). I was probably there for 40 minutes total just to get a take out meal which would normally take five minutes tops. That may sound like a complaint, but it’s not; it was great to see so many people show up and support the company and it’s values.

There weren’t any protests (not that I was really expecting any), but there was one guy wandering around in the parking lot as I was leaving. He was muttering to himself, and started heading for the apartment complex nearby. As I got closer to him on my way back to my car I heard him say something about the right-wing being out in force, and then he started yelling “Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh!”….I assume to just be mocking. He seemed lost and alone though (it was actually kind of pathetic).

Anyway, just thought I’d give a Chick-fil-A update from my neck of the woods.

 Laura writes:

Thanks for writing. That’s good news.

The fried chicken sandwich, with its Southern origins, is the perfect prop for a drama about evil America and its backward, earnest, risibly God-fearing rubes. The Chick-fil-A Classic sandwich is white, filling and it doesn’t go with guacamole or soy sauce.

However, there is a surprise element to this play, and that is the unapologetic conviction of Dan Cathy. The effort to portray him as hateful doesn’t work. With his Dale Carnegie-esque smile, he exudes good will. And yet he is serious — in a way few politicians are.

Rusty writes:

I love your site and visit several times a day. I have recommended it to several family members and I think they read it a lot, too.

Regarding your question, Does the Future Rest on This?, I believe that for a business struggling to find an underserved market niche, the answer is, Yes. Traditional families are keen to match their buying with a company that supports their beliefs. In some markets, such as clothing, simply not being hostile would offer competitive advantages. There are alternatives available, but they need to be a little bolder and stand out a little more. For example, who wouldn’t love to find a clothing or toy catalogue that didn’t push the multicult?

And it’s not just that long-abused demographic which should be addressed. The rebellious themes are becoming stale for everyone, as ads must go to ridiculous lengths to keep up the edginess. The atmosphere is ripe for companies to offer something more wholesome and substantive, something friendlier to normal people. But a company that takes that route had better be truly traditional because consumers will catch and punish the pretenders.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

I hope you are right. There does seem to be enormous potential here. People can buy something without having to engage in any actual defense of their views. It’s a non-combative form of protest.

People who can’t articulate — and don’t want to articulate —  why they are against homosexual “marriage” were probably drawn to Chick-fil-A.

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