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Transgendered Freak Infiltrates La Leche League « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Transgendered Freak Infiltrates La Leche League

August 31, 2012


A READER named Laura sends this story about a woman who thinks she’s a man, has had hormonal therapy to make her look like a man and calls herself by a man’s name. Nevertheless, this woman wants to be a breastfeeding counselor for La Leche League in Canada.

Imagine being a new mother eager to learn how to nurse your infant and this freakish hermaphrodite with a beard offers to help. Perhaps even Canadians have their limits. La Leche League has yet to decide whether the woman should be one of its local leaders.

Laura writes:

Your perspective as shown on this site has helped me come to see this sort of situation for what it is: a ridiculous glamorization of abnormal and unhealthy choices about one person’s body being forced on others. Either one is a woman, or one is a man. And if one believes one is something in-between, that’s not something that everybody needs to care about.

—– Comments —-

Jane S. writes:

Either one is a woman, or one is a man. And if one believes one is something in-between, that’s not something that everybody needs to care about.

I met a hermaphrodite once. The real thing. I won’t go into any more detail than that. I only share that story under special circumstances. But they really do exist.

Joe A. writes:

This circus sideshow freak is not even “transgendered” as it crossed nothing, including its “gender” (whatever that pseudomalapropism means to current sexual-political propaganda theory).

“It” is a surgically mutilated female. Nothing more, nothing (ahem) less.

On the other hand we now seem to inhabit Dr Moreau’s island with all its bizarre moral and ethical implications.

There is another thing: creatures such as “Dr Jack Newman [sic]” demonstrate conclusively that, for all their protestations and scolding against it, the Left is concerned solely and completely with superficial appearances, even if they have to beat us to a bloody pulp to obtain our endorsement of Potemkinian fraud.

The DNA of the female sex carries two X chromosomes while the male carries an X and a Y, in both cases bequeathed us, one each by our mother and our father.

No butchery or drug therapy can or will change this simple fact and they can’t stand it.

Forta Leza writes:

I think part of the reason for transgenderism is that people are overstimulated sexually. The normal human sexual response is to crave novelty and variety. So when you get lots of casual sex and access to Internet porn, you subconsciously start looking for sexual stimulation which is more novel, shocking, or weird. There is an idea floating around that pornography is harmless and casual sex is harmless if you use a condom. But I’ve come to believe that these practices are a lot more destructive than people realize.

Laura writes:

This is an excellent insight.

Terry Morris writes:

They haven’t decided whether or not to hire her? [Laura writes: I believe it is a volunteer position.] Maybe they’ll create a new position for her, Liason to transgendered, breastfeeding freaks.

This story reminds me of a friend’s encounter with his son’s DHS appointed counselor. She insisted that his son is probably gay, and that my friend should encourage him to explore his sexuality rather than repress his tendencies. When my friend told me about this, I said to him that you know it is bad whenever so-called child counselors are more screwed up than the children they’re supposedly counseling.

Laura C. writes:

Regarding real hermaphrodites, it is true that there are occasional exceptions to the rule of male or female in human beings. Still, this is a rarity and society as a whole should not be based upon the rare “intersexed” individual that occurs.

Mary writes:

Forta Leza writes:

“There is an idea floating around that pornography is harmless and casual sex is harmless if you use a condom. But I’ve come to believe that these practices are a lot more destructive than people realize.”

Very important observation. Obviously the two are linked but I’m convinced porn is the real culprit. I’m old enough to be able to look back and track the decline. When I was a teenager if the boys had happened to see an x-rated movie or two it was rare and they hid it from us girls out of natural shame. Ten years later it was still shameful but people were starting to joke about it. Enter the VCR.

Porn started to lose it’s icky reputation when it was mainstreamed into the pop culture through television comedy. Starting in the mid-nineties sit-coms like “Friends” and “Seinfeld” had their good-looking, engaging characters making porn-, promiscuity- and self-abuse jokes every week. It always astonishes me when parents with kids the same age as mine let their children (teens and younger) watch these shows as if they are harmless. Humor can disarm like nothing else and with the help of technology humor has stripped us of our good sense in these matters.

I believe parents today need to be militant about keeping porn out of the home and casual humor about sexual matters out of their children’s reach, even teenagers; casual humor about sex can seem like harmless fun but it slowly erodes essential reverence. Pop culture will shape your kids if you let it; I was shaped by it so I know – my husband and I been deprogramming ourselves for years. We finally have the TV off and the cable cut and just rent movies if we want to watch something. It’s like a veil has been lifted. Things we loved years ago are seen for what they really were and still are.

Know the parents of your kids’ friends and know them well. I distinctly remember as a 16-year-old watching an absolutely filthy comedy on a Saturday night at a friend’s house, with her mother and little brother present (they had this new thing called HBO). She was a nice lady but she laughed the loudest. And then we laughed, too.

Forta Leza writes:

“Very important observation.”

Thank you. I agree that porn kind of snuck up on everyone. Back in the 70s and 80s, it was pretty much normal for boys and young men to obtain a few issues of Playboy or whatever, and it was pretty much harmless. The male sex drive is generally pretty powerful and seeing the occasional naked girl will generally not undermine or pervert it. But what’s happened is that pornography has become a lot more intense, stimulating, and easily available. And privately consumed. To the point where a lot of men are losing interest in normal sexual relations.

As far as casual sex goes (sexual relations outside of a committed long-term relationship), I think it’s even more destructive than pornography. For one thing, even a condom will not protect you against all manner of sexually transmitted diseases. It is likely that there are sub-clinical diseases, i.e. diseases which do not show obvious symptoms, but which undermine peoples’ health in subtle ways. Perhaps a bigger problem with casual sex is that a girl in her late teens or early 20s can seduce men who are far more sexually attractive than a typical man who might want to marry her. So she is likely to waste her most fertile years messing around with guys who “won’t commit.” Another problem with casual sex (and this applies to men and girls both) is that many people get hooked on the endless variety of sexual partners available through hook-up culture.

All of these things undermine traditional marriage. People who are overstimulated sexually will surely be less interested in their husbands or wives.

Texanne writes:

I was just recently thinking about the point that so many of us in the Boomer generation, even those raised in the Christian tradition, have come to believe in separate categories of human beings — not distinguished by actual sex, male and female, but by thoughts and feelings about sex: what sex we think we are, and what kind of sex we think we desire.

Liberals have been persuaded that there is a kind of human being who was born with instincts essentially different from their own regarding sex, i.e. with an instinctive aversion to procreative sex, and an instinctive desire to simulate it instead. They have embraced the “born that way” lie as to their own sexual appetites and behaviors as well as to those of others – totally failing to take notice of the radical changes in the culture that they themselves have effected within their lifetime. They have frivolously deconstructed the culture and neutralized the stigmas through which their own sexual behaviors and expectations were formed, structures that had protected their childhood innocence, guided them through the conventions of courtship, taught them to esteem the ideal of marriage and to comprehend the unity of sex and procreation.

Researchers have been searching in vain for some genetic or biological factor that would distinguish “gay” from “straight” persons. Perhaps liberals assume that science will eventually get to the bottom of this mystery. In the meantime, they completely ignore the effects of nurturing which they otherwise champion, and are in total denial of the damage their ideology has done to their culture. They get stuck on the thought that their sexual desires and behaviors are simply natural to them and thus they were born “heterosexual” — and others must have been born “homosexual” (or “bisexual” or “transexual” , etc.)

Laura writes:

They have frivolously deconstructed the culture and neutralized the stigmas through which their own sexual behaviors and expectations were formed, structures that had protected their childhood innocence, guided them through the conventions of courtship, taught them to esteem the ideal of marriage and to comprehend the unity of sex and procreation. 

Liberalism creates homosexuality.

Denise Holliday writes:

I am a 65-year-old Post-Op trans who has known I was different from the age of four. I never had sex with anyone till I was 23 and then only once before I married at 24. My spouse has known I am Trans since three months after we were married and my girls are fine with me. Been married now over 40 years and still together. I officially changed gender 15 years ago. You have some real needs to be checked out before you paste everyone with that sinful brush. I know several Trans people, both the female and male variety, that do not match your description. Heterosexuals can speak for themselves.

 Laura writes:

Feelings of identification with the opposite sex, role-playing, and mutilation of the body through hormone therapy or surgery do not bring about a sex change. There is no such thing as a sex change. You are still a man.

I am sure there are people, including your wife and daughters, who care deeply for you. I never said people who take these extreme, immoral measures to deny their sex and to help them cope with very real feelings of identification with the opposite sex are unworthy or undeserving of love. Nor did I ever say these identity crises are to be dismissed. They may represent serious and lifelong internal trials. But they are similar to the suffering other people go through in desiring to be something they can never be. The “transgendered” do not have a monopoly on suffering.

Ana-Marij writes:

Please stop spreading hate. I know you will probably just read this and ignore it, but I had to try anyway on the off chance that you would put the title of your website to use, “Thinking Housewife.” You and the people that posted those hateful things in response to what you wrote scare me. Really, truly terrify me. A feeling is coursing through me, I want to flee from this place where people hate so proudly.

Laura writes:

People who mutilate their bodies are hateful. Women who grow beards are freaks.

These are difficult truths but they are not expressions of hatred.

I wonder why you are so complacent about those eager to exploit the insecurities and fragility of certain individuals and encourage them to further destabilize their lives by engaging in mutilating medical procedures that give them the appearance of the opposite sex.

Forta Leza writes:

Denise Holliday was apparently enough of a man to impregnate a woman a couple times.

“Liberalism creates homosexuality.”

I wouldn’t go that far, but I do think liberalism magnifies the problem by telling everyone that it’s perfectly okay to go out and try to satisfy all of your sexual desires so long as nobody is physically harmed in the process. The reality is that everyone has sexual desires which at times need to be repressed for various reasons.

 Laura writes:

By encouraging family breakdown, liberalism places a significant number of people in abnormal circumstances in childhood and thus creates, or encourages, homosexuality. Approval of homosexuality also creates a certain amount of homosexuality. As Trayce Hansen writes:

An accumulation of research from around the world finds that societies which endorse homosexual behavior increase the prevalence of homosexuality in those societies. The legalization of same-sex marriage—which is being considered by voters in several U.S. states—is the ultimate in societal endorsement and will result in more individuals living a homosexual lifestyle.

Extensive research from Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and the United States reveals that homosexuality is primarily environmentally induced. Specifically, social and/or family factors, as well as permissive environments which affirm homosexuality, play major environmental roles in the development of homosexual behavior.

Mary writes:

Laura wrote: “Liberalism creates homosexuality…By encouraging family breakdown, liberalism places a significant number of people in abnormal circumstances in childhood and thus creates, or encourages, homosexuality…”

Agreed. Another way liberalism encourages homosexuality is by promoting, through lowered standards of censorship, porn-friendly laws, etc., the idea of sexual activity as something that should be present in the lives of everyone from teen through octogenarian regardless of life circumstances. Young people are especially vulnerable to the false notion that once they mature physically they need sex in one form or another in order to be “normal”; they are fed stimulating images in all media continually; and then they are taught to override feelings of modesty, embarrassment and shame – these are outdated and feel bad, sex feels good. Often alcohol and drugs are needed to blunt these natural protections which are so imbedded within us that they can’t be eliminated otherwise.

Consequently, many young people have been led into homosexuality when the normal, often intensely close, friendships found in the teen years become sexualized due to the learned universality of sexual attraction. But these friendships are only healthy and beneficial if they aren’t sexualized. Healthy, close friendship has been severely hampered by liberalism, at least among our young people. Sexual attraction’s natural end is to help create unbreakable bonds which ultimately strengthen families. If acted on between two young girls, or two young boys, it can only be sick and disordered. Their instincts tell them this. The world tells them something else.

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