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Wedding Extremism Kills Bride « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Wedding Extremism Kills Bride

August 26, 2012


CYNDI writes:

I recall the discussions you had (here, here and here) on the repulsive turn that weddings and wedding photography have taken over the past few years with trash-the-dress shoots.

Well, the worst has happened. A bride in Quebec was dragged to her death while being photographed in a river.

—- Comments —-

Jane S. writes:

I’ve noticed in the past few years a minor trend where it has become fashionable to have your dog as the ring bearer at the wedding. You see it in magazines.

Maybe I’m reading more into this than I should, like a typical right-wing reactionary. I know people who are too softhearted to leave their pets at home. But I do not recall ever hearing of a time in history or a place or a culture where they had animals participate in a wedding ceremony, other than to transport people to and from.

Now I wonder how long it will take before the animal starts to replace other members of the wedding party. Like the bride or the groom. Given the way that liberals like to take a silly harmless idea and transform it into utter depravity, anything seems possible.

 Laura writes:

I’ve noticed in the past few years a minor trend where it has become fashionable to have your dog as the ring bearer at the wedding.

Are you serious?

I am speechless.

Jane S. writes:

Truly. Google “dog ring bearer” and you’ll get thousands of sites selling dog ring bearer pillows, dog ring bearer tuxedos, and other dog ring bearer accoutrements.

Even Martha Stewart, to her shame, has featured weddings with dog ring bearers and she is a popular authority on wedding style.

I don’t know if anyone has attempted to include other types of pets in their weddings, but I imagine they will, once they realize how discriminatory they’re being by only having dogs.

Terry Morris writes:

Unbelievable! Once her dress became soaked, it was all over for this poor girl. The current swept her downstream, depositing her body at the bottom of a pool twenty feet deep, according to the story. The story speaks of two onlookers (who had initially tried to save her), who were taken to a hospital and treated for shock. One of which was the photographer. Some folks just have to learn the hard way, it seems. But this is a very sad story in any event. The photographer will be reminded often of his stupidity in this case, the rest of the days of his life, I’m sure.

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