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British Soldier Gives Birth on the Front in Afghanistan « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

British Soldier Gives Birth on the Front in Afghanistan

September 20, 2012


THE Daily Mail reports:

A British soldier who did not know she was pregnant has given birth on the frontline.

The woman had a son in Camp Bastion on Tuesday – just days after the Taliban launched a deadly attack on the UK’s main base in Helmand.

The baby was born five weeks premature. Last night both mother and child were said to be doing well.

A ‘specialist paediatric retrieval team’ from the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford will travel to Afghanistan in the next few days to provide care for the soldier and her son on their RAF flight home.

What was the response of the British military brass? Do they suddenly realize in a flash how deeply immoral it is to have women as soldiers? No. They instead conclude that it may be necessary that all female soldiers have pregnancy testing before they are deployed. Add one more costly intervention to support the radical, inhuman project of an egalitarian military. How long before we see soldiers with baby carriers? A senior “Army insider” was quoted as saying:

The baby’s successful delivery is a wonderful testament to the outstanding job the medics do here. It shows how they can use their extraordinary skills to turn their hands from saving lives to delivering babies.

 —– Comments —-

Jeanette V. writes:

Here’s the perfect baby sling for that female warrior.

John Purdy writes:

Will a woman please explain to me how it’s possible to be eight months pregnant and NOT KNOW IT.

Laura writes:

I think it is possible for a woman to be in profound state of denial due to some kind of psychological distress. (Wouldn’t a female soldier by definition be in a state of distress?) And there are cases, I believe, that involve imbecility. Beyond that, I don’t know how it’s possible.

James P. writes:

John Purdy asks how it’s possible to be eight months pregnant and NOT KNOW IT.

The Telegraph has an answer!

The odd thing in this story: “My menstrual cycle had never worked like clockwork, but it had continued during the pregnancy. I was also on the Pill. My breasts didn’t get bigger. I was wearing my normal clothes. I had no sickness. I felt no kicking.”

Usually, I think, these stories involve women who are quite obese. Some years ago I personally knew someone (sister of a friend) who gave birth on the couch one day, not knowing she was pregnant. She was not very obese, though.

P.S. My friend’s sister was not an imbecile or in any kind of psychological distress.

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