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Chik-Fil-A Appears to Have Surrendered « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Chik-Fil-A Appears to Have Surrendered

September 19, 2012


THE fast food company has announced it will re-evaluate its donations to organizations that are against same-sex marriage and that it will include “sexual orientation” in its anti-discrimination hiring policy. Read about it here.

If you’ve developed a taste for fried chicken patties, get over it.


—– Comments —-

Jeanette V. writes:

I, like many other Christian conservatives, feel betrayed. I ate there on principal. I didn’t even like their food.

Daniel S. writes:

What is honestly to be expected from a company that sells junk food and profits off modern America’s insatiable gluttony? (I recently heard Americans described as a swarm of locusts in stretch pants.) St. Paul spoke of those whose god is their belly. Is this not the deity to which Chik-Fil-A too pays homage?

Laura writes:

“A swarm of locusts in stretch pants.”

It’s true. Chik-Fil-A was an unlikely defender of the Good.

Terry Morris writes:

Why am I not surprised?

Laura writes:

Because you’ve had a Chik-Fil-A sandwich.

Lisa writes:

Even after record-breaking crowds and selling out of food several days, Chick-fil-A is adding “diversity.” What a shame. I guess I’ll have to return the little red Chick-fil-A cow bell I ordered since I couldn’t make it to the eat-in.

Jane S. writes:

Way to go. This will teach the homosexual lobby that no one has the courage to stand up to them.

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