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Poll: British Women Regret Delaying Childbearing « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Poll: British Women Regret Delaying Childbearing

September 5, 2012


JAMES P. writes:

Here’s a way to respond to people who make snarky comments about large families. Hand them this article, “A quarter of women ‘wish they’d tried for children earlier’” in The Telegraph by Stephen Adams.

Laura writes:

The article states that a woman’s fertility declines rapidly after the age of 35. What it doesn’t mention is that a woman is past her peak fertility by the age of 30, a fact that many do not know in an age that prides itself on being scientifically enlightened.

—- Comments —–

Jane S. writes:

Laura writes: What it doesn’t mention is that a woman is past her peak fertility by the age of 30, a fact that many do not know in an age that prides itself on being scientifically enlightened.

I cannot quote directly, nor do I know where to look, but I have heard that gynecologists and fertility experts do know that a woman’s fertility starts to decline in her late 20s, but they are discouraged from saying so openly. Assisted Reproductive Technology is a big moneymaking industry, after all.

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