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Thank You, Susan B. Anthony « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Thank You, Susan B. Anthony

September 5, 2012


DANA LOESCH at Breitbart.com writes about the buttons worn by women at the Democratic National Convention. The great thing about modern feminism is that it has elevated political discourse and brought out the very best in women, in ways that male oppression never could.

We should also thank the suffragettes for making it possible for political conventions to become the War of the Wives. Last night, Michelle beat up Ann Romney and made her own “Women, I Love You” Speech, in which she sang the praises of the heroic single mother. We were also treated to more tantalizing details about one of the most serious political issues of our time — the romance and marriage of Michelle and Barack, whose idea of romance and marriage includes men marrying men. Obama was weeping offstage. Unfortunately, he is not smart enough to laugh uproariously at it all. Little did he know that that first kiss would set the course of an entire nation.


——- Comments ——-

Terry Morris writes:

The “Sluts vote” button you posted the picture of reminded me of the feminist rally held at the State Capitol this past February or March, at which they were protesting the legislature’s consideration of the “personhood” bill, defining life at conception. The lunacy behind the arguments against the legislation are a story unto themselves. But heading the story about the rally in the leftist Tulsa World newspaper was a staffer’s photograph of a 300-lb. plus black female Senator holding one end of a homemade sign with a 100-nothing lb. white female private citizen holding the other. Both women were laughing as the shot was taken. The sign read: “If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d f__k a Senator.”

 This is “free speech” under the incorporation doctrine.

Laura writes:


Laura adds:

Gordon Stewart, former speechwriter for Jimmy Carter, writes about Michelle’s speech:

If Barack Obama is re-elected on November 6, he will owe more to his first lady than any president ever to win a second term.

On Tuesday night in Charlotte, North Carolina, Michelle Obama gave one of the finest speeches ever delivered at a national political convention. More important, it could have more impact on the immediate future of the country than her husband’s celebrated 2004 keynote address to the Democratic National Convention in Boston. Why?

Her speech tied the Obamas’ personal stories directly to the lives of millions of voters struggling not to be the first generation of Americans unable to offer hope of greater opportunities to their children than they had, thus drawing a contrast with Mitt Romney as an unnamed but unmistakable caricature of privilege without shading her talk with negativity or animosity.

N.W. writes:

“in which she sang the praises of the heroic single mother.”

I don’t have access to the text at the moment but the above phrase reminded me of a passage from “Perelandra” I believe where Satan tempts the woman on Venus by telling her all of these tales of women while Ransom the whole time is trying to keep her from being seduced by the tempters subtle words. I wish I had the passage handy because it dovetails nicely with the present courting of the female vote.

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