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White Women Living Shorter Lives « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

White Women Living Shorter Lives

September 21, 2012


THE average life span of American white women without college degrees has fallen by a stunning four years in just two decades, according to researchers. (The life expectancy for blacks and Hispanics at the same level rose although blacks continue to have a shorter life span.) For those without a high school degree, it has fallen by five years.

According to The New York Times,

The five-year decline for white women rivals the catastrophic seven-year drop for Russian men in the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, said Michael Marmot, director of the Institute of Health Equity in London.

Could it be that white women on the bottom rungs exist in a moral and physical wasteland? Just asking.

——– Comments ———-

Jesse Powell writes:

Looking at the issue of mortality in a different way the below table details the probability of dying in any particular year given the age range one is in.  The table confirms the increase in mortality among white women.  The table is not broken down by educational attainment.  The mortality rate for white women increased from 1999 to 2009 in the 25 to 54 year old age range; in the younger and older age ranges it declined.  The same held true for white men though the increase among white women was greater.  No other racial group saw mortality increases in this age range either men or women.  The white women mortality rate ages 25 to 54 went from 156 in 1999 to 183 in 2009, an increase of 17%.  For white men this mortality rate went from 279 in 1999 to 308 in 2009; an increase of 10%.

Definitions: The numbers given are mortality rates per 100,000 population per year.  White refers to non-Hispanic white.  Black refers to all blacks.  Hispanic refers to all Hispanics.  Asian refers to all Asians.

Mortality Rates by Age Group and Race for 1999 and 2009
under 15 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 over 64
White 1999 49 43 58 126 281 742 4,953
White 2009 42 38 65 136 312 646 4,451
Black 1999 107 59 118 279 570 1,263 5,154
Black 2009 95 48 97 212 513 1,016 4,224
Hispanic 1999 57 33 45 97 225 556 3,120
Hispanic 2009 49 32 46 86 209 474 2,647
Asian 1999 41 26 29 59 164 409 2,265
Asian 2009 36 25 29 54 132 318 2,179
White 1999 62 101 124 230 484 1,187 5,690
White 2009 53 92 137 226 514 1,057 4,927
Black 1999 135 185 259 469 1,031 2,146 6,621
Black 2009 120 144 213 343 802 1,821 5,243
Hispanic 1999 67 104 121 215 444 975 3,945
Hispanic 2009 57 96 104 154 376 822 3,170
Asian 1999 46 52 57 108 240 661 3,300
Asian 2009 42 49 54 95 236 536 2,663


CDC Wonder – Mortality – Detailed Mortality

Mr. Powell adds:

Since age composition significantly affects comparisons between 1999 and 2009 when looking at the mortality rate for the 25 to 54 age group the below table gives the mortality rate for the 25 to 54 age group according to race and year where the number of people at each age has been equalized.  In other words the mortality rates at each age from 25 to 54 are added up and then divided by 30.  This eliminates the distortion caused by the change in age composition from 1999 to 2009.

The age composition adjusted mortality rate for white women went up 9% from 1999 to 2009 (for white men it went up 3%), not as bad as the 17% increase when age composition is not adjusted for, but still quite bad and markedly worse than all the other racial groups.

Definitions: The numbers given are mortality rates per 100,000 population per year where the population at each age has been adjusted so that the same number of people are at each age.  The relevant age group is 25 to 54 years old.  “Change” means the change in the mortality rate for the prior given demographic category from 1999 to 2009.  White refers to non-Hispanic white.  Black refers to all blacks.  Hispanic refers to all Hispanics.  Asian refers to all Asians.

Age Composition Adjusted Mortality Rate of the 25 to 54 Age Group by Race, Sex, and Year
Women 1999 Women 2009 Change Men 1999 Men 2009 Change
White 157 171 9% 283 292 3%
Black 330 276 -16% 600 458 -24%
Hispanic 126 116 -8% 268 217 -19%
Asian 86 73 -15% 139 131 -6%


CDC Wonder – Mortality – Detailed Mortality
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