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One Response to Breast Cancer Awareness Month « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

One Response to Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 9, 2012


SJF writes:

I walked into the kitchen today at work and witnessed two young, very health-conscious women reading the label of a yogurt container and discussing whether it contained harmful chemicals. Both of these women most likely take hormonal contraceptives, and both walked in the recent breast cancer awareness walk/run. Given the chemicals in hormonal contraceptives, and the fact that the World Health Organization has labeled some of these chemicals carcinogens, I found the contradiction in these women’s behavior striking. If I had said anything to them, I would have probably gotten fired. So instead, I went back to my desk and wrote out a healthy check to One More Soul, Inc., a non-profit group that promotes NFP and offers many resources describing the connection between hormonal contraceptives and breast cancer. I highly recommend their CDs and pamphlets, which are all very affordable.

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