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The Child Abuse that’s Everywhere « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Child Abuse that’s Everywhere

October 20, 2012


HERE’S another outstanding comment — a comment that’s too good to leave buried in a thread — about the Boy Scouts sexual abuse scandal. Texanne writes:

Our children are victimized every day by people who don’t touch them or even get near them, but who constantly bombard youngsters’ minds with sexual thoughts and images and generate anxiety about what kind of sex they might prefer or even what sex they might be. There are no secret files kept on these predators — they abuse openly and with public funds, with the endorsement of school authorities and even with parental approval. And yet, somehow, the protective glow of victimhood remains.

Perhaps the Boy Scout abuse story will help to dispel the victimhood myth.

—— Comments ——

Terry Morris writes:

That truly is a great comment by Texanne. I wish I had written it because it expresses my sentiments so well. And I’m glad you understood its value enough to post it in its own entry, because I might have otherwise overlooked it. Might have.

Thanks for the outstanding job you do. And thanks to Texanne for reminding us that child abuse is rampant and pervasive in this culture, even as ‘child-advocates’ are guilty of committing the greatest of atrocities against the very victims they claim to protect.

Laura writes:

You’re welcome.

This stolen innocence that Texanne describes is such an important issue. The anxiety in children she mentions and the premature sexualization can never be fully quantified or documented in studies. I remember feeling its presence every day — and I mean, every single day — when my children were younger, as if it was a noxious gas seeping through the cracks of our home. I couldn’t understand why everyone wasn’t talking about it, why everyone wasn’t talking about the fact that our culture was depriving the young of youth, making children old before their time and pushing them into mental illness.

Buck writes:

Texanne’s cogent comment describing the hyper-sexualization of all children is dead-on. There appears to be no place on this “civilized” Earth where the young are safe from adults. Nothing can be sicker than that.

 Here is an article from our local Gazette newspaper. I rarely read printed papers, but by happenstance saw this article and set it aside weeks ago. It addresses this very issue in a very revealing way by only half confronting it.  It’s as if the school administrators, coaches, teachers and parents are all pointing fingers at phantoms. Everyone knows it is going on but they have no honest idea about what to do about it. It’s sick to the core. We are sick to the core. Our society, top to bottom, is so inflicted and obsessed with perverted sexual compulsions that no one knows to who to turn or who to blame. We’ve lost our collective minds.

 As I once said about Sandusky, but in more graphic terms, these predators should be hunted down and destroyed by all of us, right where we find them.

Mr. Morris writes:

So much can be said about this problem that one quite literally does not know where to begin. But begin we must.

The reason it seemed like a noxious gas to you, seeping into the cracks of your home, is because that is exactly what it was and is, and exactly what it was doing, and continues to do with greater and greater intensity. Metaphorically speaking, of course. And that is precisely the reason that people like us who recognize it for what it is, unceasingly walk about our homes, caulking gun loaded and in hand, finding the cracks and sealing them shut at the moment they are manifested. When there is a chill in the air, and the wind blows, those cracks are much more easily located and filled. If we’re there to fill them.

Some years ago I suffered an injury at work that put me out of work for about six months. At the time my wife and I thought it one of the worst things that could ever befall us. But as they say, hindsight is 20-20, and we now realize that far from being the worst thing that could have happened, it may well have been the best thing that could have happened and at the exact right moment in time. We were forced to make some lifestyle adjustments because productivity in my business suffered due to my absence, but our son, who was then only eighteen years old, took over the reigns of the business and kept it afloat with a skill uncommon for his age in today’s world, and which impressed even myself.

The point of relating the story is that during the initial six months I was unable to work (and subsequently another six months or so spread over a couple of years’ time), I began to notice many cracks in the home I had not noticed before since my mind had been almost completely on my work. Indeed, some of these “cracks” had become gaping holes, and instead of being a mere matter of filling them with caulk and moving on, they involved more intensive care. Namely cutting the rot out and rebuilding the area anew. None of this had gotten to the point of irreparability, which simply reveals the mercy of God.

I often speak of God’s general commandments to all mankind in the following terms: “It (pick one of the ten commandments) is such an important principle that God himself chose to include it in only ten general commands. That is, the principle is so very vital to man’s existence, his liberty and his happiness, that it occupies the space of a full tenth of the greater whole.”

But we can break it down even more. When we consider that one table is committed to man’s relationship to his maker, and the other to his relationship with mankind, we may say that with respect to each, each command of God occupies the space of one fourth and one sixth of the larger whole respectively. And when we consider God’s commandments as revealed in Exodus ch. 20, fully one-fourth of his commandments as to our relationship with him is devoted to the prohibition against making unto ourselves graven images of any kind, that are in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, etc., and with the added assurance, if we disobey the command: that our God is a jealous God, “visiting the iniquity of the fathers UPON THE CHILDREN unto the third and the fourth generation of those that hate me.”

So there is really no mystery here. The culture has forgotten its duty to God, and has altogether abandoned the commandments he strictly laid down, as though they no longer apply in this “enlightened” age.

Everything we do as a society these days seems to be, in one way or the other, “for the children.” We had better take a few steps back and ask ourselves whether “for the children” has not become a graven image unto itself and in its own right. Because if we don’t “for the children” means one thing and one thing only: for the destruction of their souls.

Kevin M. writes:

About six years ago I was in a supermarket at the checkout counter, looking at the magazines (all aimed at women and girls). One (perhaps it was Seventeen or Glamour) had a bold headline “First take his pants off!” Lower on the page it alluded to the nature of that article, saying something about “his G-spot.” Out of picque I bought the magazine, which provided some mild entertainment to the young woman who rang up my babyback ribs and latest issue of Seventeen (I was a 47 year old man back then, and little has changed).

Reading the article at home convinced me I made the right choice in not getting married and having kids. The magazine was clearly marketed to girls aged 17-25, and the article, complete with illustrations, described how to give your boyfriend a prostate massage. Were I to have been a father and seen what is marketed to young people today, I’d probably pack up the brood and move to Poland. I do not have the constitution to look into the eyes of my 17-year old daughter without wondering if, having read such drek, she was secretly wondering what my wife and I do in our spare time.

Even the Disney Channel makes my flesh crawl, with its endless championing of the Little American Princess indoctrination that has made it famous. If Walt were alive, he’d be horrified.

Honestly, I don’t see much trash (other than porn) marketed to young men or boys. But what is marketed to young women is essentially a correspondence course in how to become a prostitute.

Jane S. writes:

I remember feeling its presence every day. . . as if it was a noxious gas seeping through the cracks of our home. I couldn’t understand why everyone wasn’t talking about it.

Does that ever strike a chord with me.

Buck writes:

Kevin M. writes about the supermarket of sex magazines. I’m no child, but I have never heard of a male G-spot. I googled it. 298,000 results. The first result was Cosmopolitan magazine. I’m not recommending that you even look at it, because it’s nearly soft porn. But you need go no further to read about everything that Kevin M. wrote.

I thought that I would see if I could find out the age and profile of the typical Cosmo reader, so I went to www.cosmopolitan.com. It’s nothing but sex. Our young don’t stand a chance. Freud’s “pleasure principle” no longer has any constraints. We physically mature increasingly sooner, but we may never mature psychologically. Apparently there is no longer a good reason to.

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