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Obama Seeks the Girl Vote « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Obama Seeks the Girl Vote

October 26, 2012


IN AMERICA, a vote is a shockingly trivial thing. And it’s the most important thing in the world.

In this ad for the Obama campaign, a young actress describes the ecstasy of voting for the “first time,” playing on the double meaning of “the first time.” Lena Dunham is hideously tattooed and simmering with righteousness. She suggests girls must be wary of doing it with just any man. He might not be a supporter of the Lily Ledbetter Act, a piece of legislation most 18-year-old girls probably know nothing about. The bill, which allows older women to sue for retroactive wages, stands for brutal oppression. Miss Dunham also brings up the contraceptive issue, and how important it is, (there’s something a feminism-addled girl can understand) linking democratic participation again to sexual fulfillment.

This ad is so telling. For the liberal, a vote is like sexual intercourse. It’s a form of transcendence. Through politics, heaven on earth can be realized. “Before I was a girl, now I was a woman,” Miss Dunham says about her initiation. She voted for the greatest lover a girl could have, Barack Obama.

—- Comments —-

Mary writes:

I thought the young woman portrayed was an unknown supporter they randomly chose. On a whim I checked Wikipedia. Not so. She’s a 26-year-old popular entertainer. From Wikipedia:

Lena Dunham (born May 13, 1986) is an American filmmaker and actress. She wrote and directed the independent film Tiny Furniture (2010), and is the creator and star of the HBO series Girls. In 2012, she was nominated for four Emmy Awards for Girls……Dunham was born in New York City. Her father, Carroll Dunham, is a painter of “overtly sexualised pop art,” and her mother, Laurie Simmons is a photographer and designer who creates “disquieting domestic tableaux” with dolls.

In other words, this is no kid. I don’t have the stomach to look for examples of her parents’ work. I scanned the details of her show, of which she is head writer; it is self-described as inspired by Sex and the City. There are at least two mentions of lost virginity in the character descriptions. Apparently virginity, or the loss thereof, is one of her areas of interest. This is who our President approves of to speak to our nation’s youth about the vote. An apparently popular, influential grown woman of 26 who in this ad tells 18-year-old college students it’s “…super uncool to be out and about and someone asks did you vote [i.e. lose your virginity] and you say ‘I wasn’t ready’…[incredulous, disgusted look on her face].”

This is disgraceful. If it wasn’t aimed 18-year-olds who are of legal age I would go further and call it abuse. But it does offer insight into the mindset of the Obama’s, of liberals in general, and what they value. And what they don’t.

Kathlene M. writes:

The Obama Campaign borrowed that ad idea from Vladimir Putin.  This ad is a copy of a Putin ad, as reported at the Washington Examiner, Drudge, and various blogs.

Lena Dunham, this ordinary average “American” girl, is a privileged member of our liberal elite intellectual overlord class.

So this repulsive ad reflects the current declining state of America, and the intellectual capacity of those who would rule over our own self-destruction. The ad very well reflects the values of the Democrats and the Obama Campaign.

Kevin M. writes:

“The first time?”

What on earth does it say about the American female if she responds positively to this appeal for her vote?

Honestly, I think this society is on the way out. Mother Nature is standing not far off with a new broom, eyeing us, shaking her head and thinking, “Time to replace this group of nitwits.”

Kevin writes:

I should have added this:

“I’m Barack Obama, and I approve this message.”

James P. writes:

Kathlene M. writes:

“The Obama Campaign borrowed that ad idea from Vladimir Putin. This ad is a copy of a Putin ad.”

It’s hard to think of anyone who is LESS like Putin than Obama. The comparison in pictures here. The only thing it left out was “Putin graduated from Red Banner KGB Academy” versus “Obama graduated from Harvard Law School.”

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