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The Myth of Marriage Inequality « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Myth of Marriage Inequality

October 11, 2012


SUPPORTERS of homosexual “marriage” now commonly refer to their program as a question of “marriage equality.” This is one of those phrases, similar to “reproductive rights,” that is so remarkably illogical and absurd it can be demolished in but a few words. And yet so few people speak up to point out that it makes no sense.

There is one politician who speaks the obvious. The Legislative Assembly of Northern Ireland recently defeated a “gay marriage” initiative. In explaining her vote, Michelle McIlveen of the Democratic Unionists Party said it is “simply a myth that this is an equality issue.”

“Everyone is free to marry,” McIlveen said.

This is true. No one is denied the right to marry. There is no marriage inequality.

You could as easily argue that a man who is denied the right to marry, say, Angelina Jolie is a victim of marriage “inequality” as argue that homosexuals who cannot marry people of the same sex are denied equality.

— Comments —-

Buck writes:

I’m not sure that your analogy completely works. I have the right to marry Angelina Jolie, if she said yes. We would have to agree to marry. No one has a right to marry someone who says no. A homosexual male is equally free to marry the exact same number of females as I am. But homosexuals should not be able to marry someone of the same sex even if that person says yes. That would be a greater inequality; it would mean that a homosexual or bisexual male would have twice the number of options as I have! Then, extending this absurd equality scheme further, would mean that I should be able to marry any creature or object or collection thereof, that will satisfy my perverted sexual desires. I’m not saying that I have perverted sexual desires, I’m just saying.

Laura writes:

“No one has a right to marry someone who says no.”

But that was my point. Isn’t that marriage inequality too? Marriage is, by nature, based on discrimination, and that’s not fair.

Buck responds:

Would you mind speaking to Angelina Jolie for me?

Lawrence Auster writes:

You wrote:

You could as easily argue that a man who is denied the right to marry, say, Angelina Jolie is a victim of marriage “inequality” as argue that homosexuals who cannot marry people of the same sex are denied equality.

Seriously, why would any man want to marry that glum, self-obsessed woman who has the ego of an empress and lacks a single particle of joy or charm?

It’s a mark of our time that Jolie is thought of as a female ideal.

Terry Morris writes:

Well, I don’t think marriage inequality is a myth. I think it is fact (at least in most states), and I want to keep it that way.

But to act the part of devil’s advocate, how is it that Buck concludes that by allowing homosexual marriage, homosexuals are given twice the number of options he has? Wouldn’t the allowance of same-sex marriage permit Buck the same opportunity to marry within his own gender as it

would a homosexual male, even though Buck is not a homosexual? He would still have the option, no? And he would retain his option to marry a woman as far as I’m aware.

Laura writes:

I think we have narrowed Buck’s options down to one person, and she probably would say no. : – )

Buck writes:

It’s too late, but I object. I’m out working hard; framing a heavy roof structure, up and down ladders and scaffolding and pushing a guy twenty-five years my junior to keep pace with me; doing manly work, using manly tools, and doing it all in a manly way. While I’m doing that, I’m unceremoniously elected president of a lonely hearts club when I wasn’t even running for the office.

Mr. Morris generously doubles my options, while Mrs. Woods ruthlessly cuts them (me!) to zero.

Mr. Auster piles on and implies that I have horrible taste in women. Well, as usual, he’s right. I have a history to prove it. Maybe your all right. However, in my one defense, I was joking about Angelina Jolie. I find very little about her appealing, though her father is trying to bring her around by “feeding” her better information. That’s not to say that an obviously desperate guy like me wouldn’t go out with her, if there’s any chance that that could still be arranged?

I’m going to fix a TV dinner now and spend some time alone.

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