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Blacks Vote Monolithically « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Blacks Vote Monolithically

November 8, 2012


ALL of Romney’s arguments about the economy did nothing to impress the black voters of Philadelphia, where the unemployment rate is about 11 percent. According to Philly.com, in some wards Obama received MORE THAN 99 PERCENT of the vote. There was as little disagreement or dissension as if, say, an armored truck had shown up in the neighborhood and started handing out cash.

In the Fourth Ward, Obama received 9,955 votes and Romney, a total of 55. Black resistance to homosexual “marriage,” which Obama supports, is non-existent in these places. Blacks don’t think when they vote. They follow. There are few black rebels and many, if not most, blacks have probably never met someone who dissented from the prevailing view. Ideologically, they are the most conformist people on earth. And yet their conformism is considered a virtue by liberals, who secretly think so little of blacks they are not surprised at their herd-like behavior.

These numbers also show the degree to which Christianity is dead in urban black neighborhoods, which are so often the recipients of Christian charity. During the Christmas season, so many suburban whites show up in these areas to dispense the thousands of gifts collected by white churches that they sometimes don’t know what to do with all the toys. And yet Christianity is defunct in these urban places, judging from the total lack of resistance to anti-Christian values at the polls. The hearts of blacks, the radiant warmth of black Christianity, have turned to stone.

Whenever you point out to a liberal that a black person has a soul, the liberal is shocked, shocked, that you could say such a thing. No, the liberal will protest, a black person is simply a mouth to feed, a black person has material essence only. The black man, the liberal argues in his roundabout way, is not spiritual. He has no soul and hence no moral obligations. Thus when a liberal looks at the monolithic voting record of blacks, he merely looks at the monolithic poverty of blacks, and sees within it, no room for individuality. He sees hungry receptacles to feed. He sees physical hardship. To him, the black man is no more eternal than a May fly.


—- Comments —-

James P. writes:

“When a liberal looks at the monolithic voting record of blacks, he merely looks at the monolithic poverty of blacks, and sees within it, no room for individuality. He sees hungry receptacles to feed. He sees physical hardship.”

Most importantly, he sees someone he can bribe with your money in exchange for voting Democrat.

Mary Ellen writes:

I’m black, a registered Republican and voted for Romney during this week’s election. Prior to the election, my sister (who also supported Romney) and I discussed how so many of our family members without question were voting for Obama. These family members profess to having a strong Christian faith and values. Yet, they absolutely ignore the fact that Obama and the Democratic party supports gay marriage and abortion. Even though these are my family members, it’s still very baffling to me that one could so easily set aside their values without thought or personal conflict. And for no other reason than to support a candidate that shares the same skin color.

Laura writes:

Thank you for writing.

I’d like to emphasize what Mary Ellen has just said.

In response to what I wrote, she didn’t respond in so many words, “How dare you criticize blacks!” She agreed that what I said was true.

That’s because for Mary Ellen certain values transcend racial identity and these values are what give her — and all blacks — dignity. These values are not mere opinions, but objective truths about reality, the very reality in which blacks live. The greatest irony about Obama is that he does not have the best interests of blacks at heart. Imagine that. I would even argue that slavery oppressed blacks less than liberalism because slavery did not compel blacks to give up their souls.

Winnie writes:

“The greatest irony about Obama is that he does not have the best interests of blacks at heart. Imagine that. I would even argue that slavery oppressed blacks less than liberalism because slavery did not compel blacks to give up their souls.”

You speak with profound charity and truth here.

But to utter such an idea is to open oneself to the guaranteed, instantaneous and life-shattering charge of racism.  It’s a topic that’s been poured over here and elsewhere, and we always hope it will be diffused eventually, it MUST, right?  Falsely cry wolf enough and eventually it will lose its sting, right?  But, inevitably, then the fearful paralysis of speaking truth to and about blacks sets in again.

I am struck by what must be an intense pain and sadness of disconnection on the part of those few (and – it would seem – dwindling) blacks who have somehow been formed as thinkers, independent of the Black Monolith.  Thomas Sowell, Bill Cosby, your reader Mary Ellen… they are separated, in a way, from their culture – accused of having forsaken their blackness and “acting white.”  But amongst whites, with whom they may share more in common ideologically, they will always be the other as well.

Laura writes:

White conservatives typically welcome like-minded blacks. Thomas Sowell is a good example.

Bruce B. writes:

A black woman in our carpool defended abortion this morning (there was an amendment on our ballot that would end public funding for abortion). She said something like “men don’t have any right to tell women what to do since they don’t have to have the babies.” She’s an evangelical Christian of the southern (black) Baptist type. I was very surprised. I thought southern black Baptists were socially conservative even if they supported Leftist candidates based on the promise of economic equality.

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