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A Culture of “Institutionalized Malignancy” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Culture of “Institutionalized Malignancy”

December 17, 2012


WRITING AT The Remnant, Christopher Gawley, who lives ten miles from Newtown, Connecticut, reflects on the school massacre. Here is an excerpt:

My heart is so full of brokenness and sorrow I can scarcely grasp what has happened. Such depravity!

As I drove home from work tonight, with a dull numbness pervading, I dreaded the fact that the liberal establishment would take this occasion to launch yet another campaign against gun rights.  Even in the sickness I felt while processing this tragedy, complete with all the remorse for the victims and their families, I was angry at the thought that this too would be politicized. 

While I own guns of my own, and believe any American ought to have the right to bear arms, threats to the Second Amendment is just not something that keeps me up at night.  As any child can see, the problem in this country is not lawful gun ownership, and we should indeed fear governments that monopolize coercive power to such an extent that private gun ownership could well be outlawed.

That said, the rights of gun owners is still not at the top of my list of concerns.

So, I am amazed at the speed at which The New York Times posted an editorial capitalizing on the deaths of children to lobby for yet another one of their liberal causes: banning guns.  The Gray Lady opined:

Each slaughter of innocents seems to get more appalling. A high school. A college campus. A movie theater. People meeting their congresswoman. A shopping mall in Oregon, just this Tuesday. Today, a kindergarten classroom…. The assault weapons ban enacted under President Clinton was deficient and has expired. Mr. Obama talked about the need for “common sense” gun control after the movie theater slaughter in Aurora, Colo., and he hinted during the campaign that he might support a new assault weapons ban, presumably if someone else introduced it…. The more that we hear about gun control and nothing happens, the less we can believe it will ever come. Certainly, it will not unless Mr. Obama and Congressional leaders show the courage to make it happen.

This editorial was posted less than eight hours after the shootings, almost as if it were canned, like obituaries written in advance for elderly celebrities or politicians.   I was reminded of a lawyer handing out business cards at the scene of fatal car crash.

It is not gun-control absolutism that infuriates me about these predictable liberals.  Rather it is the realization that these sanctimonious censurers are themselves at least partially to blame. 

While one hesitates to even suggest it, maybe there are too many guns… maybe.  But what happened in Newtown cannot be blamed on guns any more than what happened to Julius Caesar can be blamed on knives.  No,  what is at work here is of far greater consequence and has everything to do with a systemic force of cultural violence and immorality.

The editorial page of The New York Times has been reliably at the forefront of nearly every wrong moral turn our society has taken over the last fifty years.  Her wrong-headed moral sagacity has helped to hone and  create the very cultural conditions in which widespread lawlessness and nihilism has now gripped our nations’ young people.  She is the one at war with God.  She is the one that approvingly counsels free sexual liaisons and homosexuality.  She is the one that applauds a revolting culture of abortion.  She is the one that lauds obscenity as artistic expression.  She is the one that posits a relativistic worldview that we can say with absolute certainty represents a complete inversion of right and wrong.  And far more than guns, what is important here is the cultural malignancy that must necessarily be festering at the heart of our society to allow such a violent culture of death to exist in the first place. [cont.]

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