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Interviews with Chassidic Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Interviews with Chassidic Women

December 13, 2012


BUCK writes:

An entry at VFR discusses and links to an article by Daniel Greenfield in which he discusses a possible way to restore America through by limiting immigration, cultural secession and by properly marshaling the forces of traditionalist demographics. Greenfield discusses how the Amish and Chassidic Jews successfully segregate their culture from others with little friction. He mentions a Chassidic community that was visited by Oprah that had no idea who she was. I found the video.

I haven’t stopped thinking about it. Obviously I knew little about it. I don’t think that I have ever seen depicted a fuller, more well ordered and more optimistic life. It’s only a snapshot and I assume that these four women were selected for good reason. I assume that they describe the Chassidic like accurately. Though faith can’t be set aside, faith aside, these women were very easy to like, one especially. In fact, the general scheme of things, particularly the way they deal with sex, was very appealing. I found nothing that they described about Chassidic life to be lacking in good sense or over done, but rather to be strangely stimulating. I’d say that the way that these four women describe the Chassidic life is just about as wholesome as I can imagine a life being. There is a model here that seems to very comfortably deal with most of what is so wrong in the larger culture.

—- Comments —-

Regina H. writes:

I found the video that Buck shared regarding the life of Chassidic Jews (as interviewed by Oprah) fascinating.

As a conservative Mennonite, the whole problem of how to faithfully pass on spiritual/cultural values to our children is something that has been the subject of my study for the past number of years. In fact, my study of feminism and it’s effect on America is what brought me to your site! Unfortunately, I know who Oprah is! We do not have a TV and our church leadership would advise against it’s use. Our family’s problem with keeping the world “at bay” is the Internet. It can be such a time waster and I have been convinced recently that time spent on the Internet (even all the good, worthwhile sites) is taking away from time spent with my family or the Lord. My plan is to not spend more time on theIinternet than I do in the Bible/praying each day. I feel one of the keys to faithfully passing on your beliefs to your children is insulating yourself from the world’s influences (movies, music, education system, etc.) and fellowshipping with believer’s of like, precious faith. Of course the battle always is to be well-informed, without being immersed in our society.

Thanks again for creating a place to think.

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