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Memories of Aunt Veronica « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Memories of Aunt Veronica

January 29, 2013


JAMES H. writes:

I’ve been meaning to write in response to the post about St. Elizabeth’s Academy which will be closing here in St. Louis.  My great aunt taught there her entire life. She was born in Centralia Illinois at the turn of the century.  She and my grandmother worked in their father’s drug store in Centralia and when she was old enough, she left and joined the Sister’s of the Most Precious Blood convent and then became a teacher at St. Elizabeth’s Academy.  I’m attaching a picture of my sister, Sister Veronica (my great-aunt) and me from 1955 – boy was that a different world!

Anyway, I hadn’t heard of its closing until your article and I intend to go down there and see it one more time with my dad who will be terribly saddened by the news. During World War II, he was on some island in the South Pacific and ran into a guy from St. Louis who, upon discovering my dad’s name, told him that Sister Veronica had taught him and used to read his letters to the class.

Laura writes:

You were adorable.

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