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Prayers for Lawrence Auster « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Prayers for Lawrence Auster

January 8, 2013


AT The Orthosphere, Kristor is organizing a prayer vigil to take place next Sunday, January 13th, on behalf of the writer Lawrence Auster, who has advanced pancreatic cancer. The vigil does not require that you go anywhere or do anything other than offer prayers from your home or wherever you happen to be. While individual prayer is always good and always beneficial, collective prayer, which is easy to organize in the age of the Internet, is even better. Kristor writes:

Massed intercessory prayer has been the occasion of some truly remarkable events – not all of them physiological, by any means (and, for that matter, not all in the intended beneficiary of the prayer). Some background information may be found here.

I hope you will join with me in praying for Mr. Auster, who has done so much to defend and clarify the traditionalist worldview.

—- Comments —-

Terry Morris writes:

I support, and will happily participate in, Kristor’s call for organized prayer for Mr. Auster within traditionalist conservative circles. Mr. Auster’s work has helped me in incalculable ways since I first discovered VFR back around 2006, and I am still learning from his insights, and from those of his highly intelligent readers and contributors, male and female alike.

I would also support, and likewise gladly participate in, a more general call to prayer call to intercessory prayer on behalf of the nation such as the text of the Proclamation of the Provential Congress of Massachusetts, April 15, 1775.

Winnie writes:

Along with Thinking Housewife and The Orthosphere, Lawrence Auster’s writing has been a proper education in itself; he has become for me a trusted guide. It’s thanks to Lawrence’s influence and personal bravery that I can call myself an emboldened traditionalist, both in vision and in language, able to articulate principles, defend ideas and dismantle nonsense.

He is in my daily Mass intentions – his healing and comfort, and my gratitude for his witness to Truth. A growing list of my friends & family will be praying Sunday’s vigil from 5-6pm.

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