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VAWA Not Reauthorized « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

VAWA Not Reauthorized

January 4, 2013


THE feminist domestic violence industry is now officially in jeopardy after the House failed to renew the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) at year’s end. This leaves a bill which is responsible for serious civil rights abuses hanging for the first time since it was adopted in 1994. The Senate last year authorized an expanded version that would have extended services to homosexuals, Native Americans and immigrants. But the House GOP did not bring it to the floor before its expiration.

Presumably some version of the noxious bill will be resurrected. In the meantime, expect many more crybaby stories about the evil “War on Women.” VAWA supporters have all but accused Congressmen of rape for their failure to move the totalitarian bill. See previous posts on VAWA here, herehere and here.

According to Phyllis Schlafly:

In its 17 years of operation, [VAWA] has done little or no good for real victims of domestic violence, while its funds have been used to fill feminist coffers and to lobby for feminist objectives and laws. Although every spending bill should be subject to rigorous auditing procedures in order to curb waste and fraud, VAWA has somehow ducked accountability for the nearly a billion dollars a year it doles out to radical feminist organizations.

Despite rigid feminist dogma that there are no gender differences, VAWA is totally grounded in feminist-created gender stereotypes. Starting with its title, Violence Against Women, its fundamental assumption is that men are naturally batterers and women are naturally victims.

—- Comments —-

Terry Morris writes:

A wise man once said “If you don’t want a [gender] war, then don’t start one.” Or something to that effect. But gender war is precisely what feminists are after – perpetual gender war; Shock’n’Awe, and all of that. Get ready for them to bomb Pearl Harbor.

Mr. Morris adds:

I have to respectfully disagree with Phyllis Schlafly on this one. Revising VAWA to account for a bunch of variables it currently does not recognize won’t solve anything, and has the potential of making things worse. Besides, she’s there on the front lines; she knows what a bunch of absolute morons we have in Congress running the country. Does she expect that to change all of a sudden?

Joe Conservative in 1992: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is very bad policy; it will destroy our military!” Joe Conservative in 2012: “We have to keep Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; if we lose it it will destroy our military!” Will the real Joe Conservative please stand up?!

The real issue here is that this should not exist at all as a piece of federal legislation. Why waste good breath on calls to revise a completely illegitimate piece of legislation arbitrarily proposed and enacted to begin with, in no way made pursuant to the Constitution? Relegate it to the ash heap, and never let it come up for a vote again. And in the meantime begin impeachment proceedings against all those inclined to subvert the Constitution, and its strict limitations on federal authority. But even were it the case that Congress has this authority, it wouldn’t make it any less stupid to hand over to the federal government authority to make and enforce such laws that it can’t possibly do with any degree of justice, equity or efficiency. Not to mention the price-tag.

Laura writes:

I argued in U.S. News and World Report that VAWA should be scrapped.

Laura adds:

That link to the U.S. News piece was not correct. Here it is.

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