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Benedict Resigns « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Benedict Resigns

February 11, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

The announced resignation of Pope Benedict by the end of the month has once again brought out all the frothing, dim- witted, liberal journalists who are wallowing in this opportunity to issue judgments on Benedict’s reign. Supposedly he was “dogged by scandal” and hurt dialogue with Jews, Protestants, and Muslims (if only!). His alleged petty, mean spirited actions? He quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor describing the founder of Islam in a negative (but accurate) manner; he affirmed that the Catholic Church possesses the fullness of Truth, and he sought to reconcile the traditionalist Society of Saint Pius X with Rome (which made leftist Jews, who already hated the Church, mad). He is being accused by the liberal media of “turning back the clock” for refusing to compromise on the Church’s eternal moral teachings.

All of this tells us very little about Pope Benedict, rather it reveals (not that it has ever not been clearly manifest) the unceasing hatred that cultural Marxists and other leftists harbor toward the Catholic Church.

—- Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

As a Protestant I’m supposed to be most upset about Benedict’s (exclusivest) affirmation that the Catholic Church possesses the fullness of truth, right? Just want to be sure I have my grievances against the Church in their proper order.

Laura writes:

As a Protestant, I would think you would be pleased at his support of ecumenism.

James P. writes:

Daniel S. writes,

“All of this tells us very little about Pope Benedict, rather it reveals (not that it has ever not been clearly manifest) the unceasing hatred that cultural Marxists and other leftists harbor toward the Catholic Church.”

The great irony of this is that Benedict played a leading role in Vatican II, which was the Church’s effort to appease the Left. As always, efforts to appease an implacable enemy fail abjectly, generate new demands, and earn the enemy’s contempt.

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