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A Fraternity’s Gift « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Fraternity’s Gift

March 1, 2013


A FRATERNITY at Emerson College in Massachusetts has raised more than $18,000 to pay for surgery for a female student. The purpose of the surgery? To remove the young woman’s breasts. Donnie Collins, who has been admitted to Phi Alpha Tau, will undergo the operation so that she will have an easier time pretending she is a man. They call it “sex change” surgery, but that’s just a fancy name for barbaric mutilation. A confused young woman will maim herself with public approval and support. Higher education in America is breathtakingly evil.

This nauseating story — and the reports you see daily about transgender freaks — is one manifestation of the willful obliteration of sex distinctions. Feminism, which glorifies masculinity in women and confounds the sexes, leads with inexorable logic to voluntary mastectomies.


—- Comments —-

Michael S. writes:

 Call me old-fashioned, but… when I was that age, I was rather enthusiastic about women’s breasts. These “frat boys” must be from a different planet altogether.

Their parents are going to have a LOT to answer for on Judgement Day. But then… so are they.

And by the way, one of the bullet points at the head of the story reads as follows:

“The brothers of Emerson College’s Phi Alpha Tau fraternity have raised more than $18,000 for sophomore pledge Donnie Collins too get female to male gender transition surgery”

I think that “too” is supposed to be the infinitive “to.” Proofreading is dead. Or should I say… proofreading is ded.

Jeanette V. writes:

Deep thinkers justify promoting this obscenity by asking “when did you decide your gender”?

In case people forget, gender was used in the realm of romance languages. It’s another word that has been hijacked.

 Jane writes:

I think you will find this NY Times article of interest. The article discusses the push for student health plans to include transgender surgery.

I have a son that is a full time student and too old (over 24 ) to be on the family policy. Since this is the case he must purchase his own policy. The college he attends offers students in this situation a school issued policy. Starting this past fall the cost of the policy went from $450 per semester to $950 per semester. A school administrator mentioned the increase is due to ObamaCare. I wonder if it is actually because these student policies will soon be paying for transgender surgeries.

Laura writes:

Here is a recent post on the issue of colleges covering these surgeries.

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