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A Glimpse of Universalist Hell « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Glimpse of Universalist Hell

March 24, 2013


JEANETTE V. writes:

Today was my voice class recital at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem. There was a new sign on that bathroom door that wasn’t there six months ago.

I can’t tell how creepy just the thought was that there might be a man dressed as a woman in the stall next to me.

—- Comments —-

A. writes:

And if someone feels like he is really a dog, can he go in the dog park? Can he urinate on fire hydrants?

James P. writes:

If it’s a “non-gender-specific restroom” then a normal heterosexual man could be in the next stall to Jeanette, and not some transgendered weirdo. Right? Not that she should feel any better about it as a result.

On the plus side, males of any kind in a Unitarian Universalist building are likely to be ineffectual, hand-wringing liberals and thus not much of a threat to anyone.

Perfesser Plum writes:

I notice from the bathroom sign that the good people at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem are as confused about grammar as their congregants are about gender.

The sign reads, “non-gender specific restrooms are available.”  That means that restrooms are available specifically for persons with no gender.

In other words, English perfessers.

Terry Morris writes:

I have probably mentioned this before, but the men’s restroom in the local Lowe’s store doubles as a “unisex” restroom. This came in several years ago when the Illinois and Iowa branches of the U.S. military’s ammunition depot were transferred here, along with all the transgendered freaks who worked at those plants. There has also been a noticeable rise in the number of openly “gay” and “lesbian” people in the area since those transfers. Especially in the public school systems.

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