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Catholic Communist, Giorgio La Pira « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Catholic Communist, Giorgio La Pira

March 23, 2013


IN THE first of two articles at Tradition in Action, Dr. Carol Byrne takes an interesting look at Giorgio La Pira, the charismatic Italian politician, twice mayor of Florence, who is formally being considered for canonization by the Catholic Church. She writes:

Let us look at the teaching and example set by this “saint in politics” who is now being considered for formal canonization. Outwardly, La Pira presented himself as an extraordinarily pious Catholic. He attended Mass daily, read the Bible, lived for some years in a monastery cell and was often seen walking around Florence barefoot, having given his shoes, coat, umbrella and most of his salary to the poor. But his good works were accompanied by flamboyant and idiosyncratic gestures, (8) and inwardly he was not lacking in self-aggrandizing flights of fancy.


Here La Pira shows himself to be one of those millenarian impostors who throughout history have sought to mobilize the masses of the poor towards a communistic dream of a Golden Age where everyone would supposedly live together in harmony. When these utopian dreams are put into practice, however, they have always resulted in widespread mayhem and bloodshed.

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