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Libya Arrests Coptic Christians « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Libya Arrests Coptic Christians

March 3, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

The Mohammedan jihad against the Coptic Christians is no longer contained to Egypt. Over a hundred Coptic workers in Libya have been arrested on trumped up charges that they were engaged in Christian missionary work. (Video of the Coptic men is available here.) As to be expected the Egyptian government has done nothing to see to their release. It stands to reason that the Egyptian government would do nothing to intervene as it leads its own persecution of Coptic Christians: two Coptic boys, ages 9 and 10, face prison on fabricated blasphemy charges and Muslim mobs recently sought to storm a church which was rumored to house a Muslim woman who had converted to Christianity.

While both Libya and Egypt wage their respective jihads against the ancient Coptic Christian community it must be noted that both regimes were installed primarily with American and European support. The violent, ruthless persecution of Christians in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Iraq has been subsidized by Western governments.

— Comments —

Christina writes:

I thought, as a bit of added information for the people who read this site, I would add to this story that Egypt has now implemented an (Islamic) morality police force, much the same as the feared force that exists in Saudi Arabia.  You can read more about this here.  I cannot imagine what horrors will await not only the priceless archeological sites and the future of human knowledge that rest there, but also the men, women and children who acutally live there.

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