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Solomon’s Decision for Modern Times « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Solomon’s Decision for Modern Times

March 27, 2013


ALYSSA writes:

I’ve been thinking about the story of King Solomon and the two women who brought a baby before him and were seeking judgment. While one woman thought it was perfectly fair to split the baby in two, the other would rather give the baby up entirely before she saw any harm done to it. I see a shocking parallel in America today. It seems like a same-sex couple is completely okay with denying a child half of its humanity (cutting the child in half) by not allowing both the biological father and mother raise them. The mental health and security of the child is the most compelling secular argument against same-sex marriage. Still some believe that no harm will be done when a child is denied either their mother or father.

—- Comments —-

Debra C. writes:

What emotions accompany the news that five children under the age of 12 have just lost their father, dead in a car accident? In the mind and heart of the traditionalist, at least, it’s sadness and sorrow as he ponders the void of the missing father, and concern for the magnitude of the job the mother must assume. That is the normal, human response. And we accept the fact that sometimes families must endure hardships and deprivations such an event creates. And we grieve for their loss.

But for a society to deny willfully to some children not only the model of a decent mother or father, but to subject children to two homosexual partners for their rearing — and no model of the historical parenting norm — is the mark of an insane culture, so absorbed in its hedonism and selfishness that it no longer discerns its own evil. It is a society that asks of its people to shut off its normal human sympathies and to partake in its evil designs.

That is the trajectory we’re on; and it does not bode well, either, for our own families and the world we bequeath to them.

Laura writes:

Your point about a society “shut[ting] off its normal human sympathies” is spot on.

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