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Transgendered “Woman” Lies about Torture « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Transgendered “Woman” Lies about Torture

March 22, 2013


JEANETTE V. writes:

A mentally confused man who has been medically altered to appear as a woman appeared before the New Jersey Senate, which is considering outlawing therapy for children and adolescents who want to overcome homosexual desires. As reported by Christopher Doyle at World Net Daily, the man lied about a therapy he never got. I’m so not surprised. What is shocking is that sane people would even pay attention to this disturbed individual.

—- Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone who is serious about helping people overcome such issues would ever, under any circumstances, or in any way, entertain the notion that Mr. Goldani is anything other than male in a body medically altered to appear female. I am criticizing Mr. Doyle’s references to Mr. Goldani in terms exclusively female in the WND article. How is this helpful to Mr. Goldani or any other transgendered freak?

Laura writes:

Good point. I did not notice that Doyle referred to him as her. Modern science is not able to transform a man into a woman. It is only able to participate in a surgical and hormonal form of cross-dressing.

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