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What’s Up? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What’s Up?

March 9, 2013


FRED OWENS writes:

My left-wing buddy, Alan Archibald, is blogging away like hell fire, but you are not able to keep up with him — not that anyone is keeping score.

I’m thinking there are other things going on in your life that are more important than the blog. This is good. And protecting your privacy is a key part of your message.

But I’m hoping that some kind of message of assurance from you would be welcome to your devoted readers, of which I am one.

Thank you for all your work.

Laura writes:

For the first time since I started this blog almost four years ago, I have encountered a serious obstacle to keeping up with my daily postings. I am taking care of a terminally ill friend. This is something I am glad to do. But in the last few weeks especially, I have had very little time to blog.

Now that my friend is finishing daily radiation treatments, things should quiet down and I hope to resume my normal schedule. My interest in the subjects discussed here, and in the comments of readers, has not lessened.

Thank you for your interest.

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