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A Glimpse of Political Dignity « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Glimpse of Political Dignity

April 11, 2013


WILL G. writes:

Mark Steyn provided this link of Margaret Thatcher that I thought you might appreciate.  Steyn compares her to politicians dancing on Ellen’s talk show.


— Comments —


Kimberly writes:

Hilarious! What a stupid thing to ask an older woman to do, whether she’s in politics or not. It’s just plain disrespectful. “Please, show us that deep down inside, you’re really just a fool” is what the little ditz is trying to say. Jump up? Over what? Is she supposed to be thrilled to have been interviewed by some nobody that’s accomplished nothing?

Jay from Goshen writes:

I watched the video of Margaret Thatcher refusing to jump for the camera. I let out a whoop of laughter. I haven’t had such a good laugh in months.

As I clicked on the “continued” link, I wondered if I was the only one who reacted in such fashion. Then I saw Kimberley’s response.

I wonder what it was about Mrs. Thatcher that made us laugh. The sheer honesty of her reaction? That we are so conditioned to expect constant lying and posing from politicians, so that when a politician reacts with honest humanity, the reaction is shock?

 P.S. I understand why you think of Mrs. Thatcher as “manly” (in her single-mindedness) but I always thought of her demeanor as very feminine. Cold hard feminine steel. I adored the woman.

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