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A Swedish Multicultural Brat « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Swedish Multicultural Brat

April 23, 2013


Jonas Hassen Khemiri

JONAS HASSEN KHEMIRI, a celebrated novelist and playwright in Sweden, has written a denunciation of white Swedish society, translated here for The New York Times, in response to reports of racial profiling by police. The piece is called “Sweden’s Closet Racists,” and could have been written by any nonwhite American college student gamely fulfilling an essay assignment to describe his history of brutal subjugation.

Khemiri speaks on behalf of “[w]e Swedes who do not fit the outdated blond, blue-eyed stereotype of what a true Swede should look like.” The offspring of an Arab/Swedish marriage, he says dark-skinned immigrants are subjected to “low-intensity oppression.” What is this oppression? We find a list of familiar trivial complaints. Though it appears Khemiri has been lavished with attention by Swedish society for his writings, he has in fact been repeatedly disrespected. He has suffered the inconvenience of being scrutinized by police and security guards and the unpleasant experiences of being chased by skinheads. No mention that this extra scrutiny is related to the crime rate of Sweden’s nonwhites. No mention of the whites who have been chased, mugged and raped.

Sweden does not just owe its immigrants a home, jobs and, in the case of Khemiri, literary celebrity. It owes them self-lacerating white guilt and a trouble-free existence too. Imagine a white Swede going to Tunisia, the native country of Khemiri’s father, and stating publicly in a prominent publication that the image of a dark-haired, dark-skinned Tunisian is “outdated,” and you have some sense of the perverted psychological dynamics here. The Swedish people no longer possess moral legitimacy because if they did they would show Khemiri the door.

— Comments —

Adam writes:

You wrote:

Imagine a white Swede going to Tunisia, the native country of Khemiri’s father, and stating publicly in a prominent publication that the image of a dark-haired, dark-skinned Tunisian is “outdated,” and you have some sense of the perverted psychological dynamics here. The Swedish people no longer possess moral legitimacy because if they did they would show Khemiri the door.

Exactly right. Well said.

When this wish for demographic replacement and the erasing of a historic nation and culture is expressed about a culture other than our own, it is correctly recognized as evil and genocidal. But when this same sentiment is expressed by a minority against Sweden (or substitute America, England, or any other Western nation), it is seen as completely normal and acceptable; white liberals grovel with guilt and subservience in response.

It is so sad what is happening across the Western world. A once great civilization has lost the will to exist.

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