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Another Catholic Marxist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Another Catholic Marxist

April 17, 2013


HERE’S another priest who declines to wear the Roman collar. Fr. Adolfo Huerta Aleman, of Saltillo, Mexico, favors Che Guevara T-shirts. According to Tradition in Action:

[Fr. Aleman] asserts that the faith is only “a motivation in life to improve our human relations and be better human beings.” Asked whether he believed in God, he replied – using bad language – that he could not care less about the existence of God. He also acknowledged to the press ( here and here) that he frequently engages in sexual relations.

One sees here the wisdom of those American Catholic bishops who have insisted our borders be open.

— Comments —-

Bruce B. writes:

And he’s still a priest? Amazing! Yet they excommunicated the SSPX!

Proph writes:

The story of Fr. Aleman is distressing but not very surprising. Conversely, we have many cases of very good young men being deliberately chased out of seminary for specious reasons. Not so much anymore, but it still happens. Fr. Z. over at his blog related many anecdotes of his time in a U.S. seminary in the 1980s, during the height of the silly season, when students were expelled for “excessive Marian devotion” (such as praying the rosary or possessing a small Marian statue in their room) and priests sometimes ran off with and married nuns, etc. He still encourages doctrinally sound and traditionally-minded seminarians to keep their mouths shut and avoid frequenting certain Web sites, including his own. It’s a tragedy, an absolute tragedy, that men like Fr. Z. are persecuted in seminaries on a regular basis while the likes of Fr. Aleman remain in the Church, and that not even our obvious ongoing crisis in vocations can dislodge this trend.

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